My mage is arcane and I love going against casters. You get 10% less spell damage taken with shield and can spec it to be 20% as well as 15% less harmful spell effect duration with the shield. Spam spell steal to steal procs/shields/HoTs. You have one silence, 2 knock backs, a disorient and 2 castable interrupts. And 400k crits on a 1.2 s cast spell. Decent self healing if you stagger your time warp/blink heal, ice floes gives 5 spells while moving if you time then right. Arcane barrage snares as well as gives you 50% Ms.

If you're paired with a HoT class and your enemy is a mage in general, you're healer is their healer.

Well I got my mage to 70 in like 12 hours of dungeon spamming. Leveling is a joke now if you really take the quickest ways

It's true. The academic definition is used to diagnose. I'll expand later kind of busy at. Thou

If I vaccinate my kids, how else will I be able to murder them without it being illegal?

If the female doesn't want kids they don't have to use protection and it feels better

Yea definitely. But also if it's even a person who would never act on it, it can continue to cause allot of distress. I watch a call in show and once or twice over the years a person has called in desperate for help saying how much they hate themselves and wanting help. The show isn't about psychology really, but there is a psychologist that is on sometimes that they took the opportunity to talk to.

Therapists don't give out meds unless they are also at least a GP or psychiatrist. Also anyone who suspects they might have this paraphilia should search for therapists with at least general paraphilias as a specialty. The stigma alone can cause people to stop searching for therapy all together because of the potential backlash for simply mentioning pedophilia.

You should probably search for therapists who have a specialty in sexual paraphilias. There's a far better chance that you'll have a better experience with ones with that specialty and therapists in particular are trained to help directly explore thought processes and emotions regarding mental illness.

Also you could do a bit of research on chronophilias to gain a better understanding of this specific area in psychology.

Oh and if you're only attracted to late stage/after puberty bodies that some minors have, you have nothing to worry about, since that is natural. It becomes classified as a paraphilia when your attraction is to mid/early puberty or before puberty, or when you're attracted to them based on them being vulnerable/having a child's mindset etc.

Depends on what you mean by "want to be creepy..".

There are a lot of people who are attracted to Early/no stages of pubescence who don't actually WANT to be.

The academic definition also seems to include those attractions being primary attractions.

How about you officially ask him to marry you and make it clear that that's what you're doing. If he says no, then go on to the part where you talk about how what you two want is very different etc.

If I remember correctly, in mw4 they were like a support/lockdown weapon. Someone else here said that they don't overheat other mechs anymore. Kind of weird to me

Mage survivability is if you remember all the spells you have

Mages have good survivability if you know how to weave in your roots, use time skip, snares etc. I find it much more fun than DH. I use ice floes instead of the 2 charges of blink and it makes you a lot more mobile so you can kite. I also play arcane with barrage snaring so kiting is a lot easier.

Your shield, time skip, mirror image, the blink heal/teleport/Iceblock heal,nova, cone of cold, slow should mean you have no trouble even with multiple mobs.

Mage is just more fun to play to me. And In general, anything that isn't instantly easy to play seems to hold my attention more.

Oh and PSA: IF you tap ice floes RIGHT BEFORE a spell is finished casting, you will not lose the buff. This allows you to get up to 5 spells while moving instead of the intended 3.

Yes I've reported this big but still use it.

So you're saying that the Bible could be inaccurate? If so, how do you tell what's correct in it and what is inaccurate?

Why would a god allow his perfect inerrant book to have different translations with errors?

Also, what could possibly be the meaning of the metaphor? God took an action towards pharaoh.

Even if you have multiple instances of simply saying "shit" and people keep reporting you for it, after a few mutes, they'll ban you. The blue post says that. But yea this guy didn't get banned just for this one instance

Automatics do have clutches though right?

"are you the Leonard hawkson we have on file that robbed the bank a week ago? You look just like him"

"No sir my name is Jeremy Buckley"

"Oh okay have a nice day"

I'm not saying that he didn't do anything else. Just letting people know that even passively using naughty words can have an action taken against your account.

If you kept getting reported after multiple mutes solely for using naughty words, they will ban you at some point

HoG does more damage than the imps that it summons do

Also demonbolt does good damage. It isn't " just for shards"

Just try demo so you can understand it. Then just play destro