Have you ever had a character you were able like after a bad first impression?

I am so incredibly sorry you are going through this. Sounds similar to my dad and other older men with ASD I’ve heard about. My dad doesn’t have many friends, his family are all bullies, and his only interests are sports, movies, and alcohol. My mom even said he was really sweet up until they got married, then it was like a switch flipped. The only way my mom was able to survive was by becoming a bully to him because she couldn’t afford to leave him while supporting me and my sisters. By not stopping the process sooner, both parties have been greatly impacted far more than if they had just gotten divorced. I unfortunately have seen firsthand where this leads unless he changes his behavior, and I echo what the other comments have said. It’s hard not to feel badly for your husband. However his autism is not an excuse. Take it out of the equation and look at your relationship without it. It is your life and your daughter’s lives, and his intentions don’t change his impact on you. In my opinion, you deserve so much better and the cons greatly outweigh the pros.

I feel this so much, so I’m sending you a big hug. Growing up I felt like a freak and I work so hard as an adult to not be one. However I’m struggling with masking. I know other people have issues but they seem so much more authentic than I feel. When I’m authentic everyone gets mad at me or doesn’t want to be around me. And trying to explain myself once again makes me feel like a freak, so I avoid talking about it. All the relationships I have feel superficial too. I wish there was an easy solution but from what I’ve observed everything is so subjective and nuanced. I think trying to calm your anxiety through breath work, exposure therapy, and journaling is what works best for me. Talk therapy helped me in the past because my therapist explained the science behind everything which made it easier to rationalize. I was told that having those moments and experiencing stuff is how you grow and feel more comfortable, but it’s so hard to get over those initial feelings.

Omg yes! Why is complaining or being passionate associated with being upset? Also everyone takes things so personally? Like I’m not mad at you I’m mad at the situation. I’m happy but I’m also allowed to show other emotions

Yes 100%! If I’m being overtly friendly and highly giggly with you I’m masking, but if I don’t say anything around you and zone out (my family says it seems like I’m annoyed) I’m comfortable. As others have said, I also feel like a robot spewing out random phrases or information even if it’s not my genuine reaction just to fill silence or people please. I hate inauthentic I feel, but then I feel as if I’m getting in trouble when I don’t. I’m so tired of it because it’s so isolating

Yes! I always go back to the same materials even if I’ve read it over and over, despite just learning about something new and wanting to learn more

I do agree with what you say here. People want drama and when they are too busy to find good human connection between working and trying to survive in this world, celebrities are a big way to get some sort of distraction. My opinion is this: when you’re enacting change you can’t just jump into major change. You have to do little by little things. The idea of blocking celebrities is to get a sense of community established between ordinary people, and get attention of go fund mes. I agree that for some people it’s for the excitement of “going against the status quo” rather than actually helping people raise awareness but I think for other people it’s giving them tangible action. We’ve already seen influencers and celebrities make videos now promoting go fund mes and charities which is helping families no matter how we got there. This is the first step for people to move away from celebrity-worship. Between all the little things people will do, hopefully it can move into more useful change where things are accomplished in real time. Major change will happen online because that’s where our communication is now. Unfortunately right now most people can only do action online so might as well get a ton of people involved and use this as a building block to move change into the real world.

Why are people saying rocks? No rocks were thrown

This wasn’t in the context of charlotte. No one at that rally was doing it to tear down what happened in Charlotte, I personally wasn’t even aware until after everything went down. It was in the context of an America that allows foreign governments to tell it how to deal with their own students, to use our tax dollars to drop bombs and support another country’s universal healthcare while our people die everyday, to allow another country to refuse to agree to giving hostages back. The American government could care less about any of its citizens

That happened after they tore apart the protestors. After that the police left

The police came in, broke apart the students via pepper spray and such, formed a chain around the flag pole, and then students started linking arms and pushing back against them and throwing water bottles.

The dudes with the Israeli flag and the American flag called some African American women next to me the n word and the d word

No I went to class and when I came back the officers had taken around the flag pole. I hung back because I like to observe

I apologize, I meant the boys with the American flag were what people were calling frat boys. That was what I heard people refer to them as. I did hear the slurs being said by them though, I swear that

And once again it was peaceful, until the cops raided the encampment at 6am, and then broke up a protest of people pushing down barricades and expressing their first amendment. No one was hurt until the cops and counter-protestors showed up

They weren’t being assaulted. They were able to arrive and throw students down without resistance. You don’t believe that what the police are doing around the country to students isn’t fascism? Driving through crowds, tazing medics, four men holding down a single college student. They need better training on how to handle peaceful protests

Okay can you explain why are you defending police? look at the uncsjp insta post of the police pulling a girl down by her hair. They pepper sprayed people and threw a barricade at a girl in a wheelchair.

I’m sorry, I personally don’t. I didn’t video record anything. I’ve looked for videos too and couldn’t find anything. But I heard it personally. I was next to a few black women who I heard being called the n word and d word a few times by the frat dudes with the American flags. It started out with a few insults to slurs and the dudes mockingly saying “I can’t hear you pull down your mask” to try to get a picture of the women. when the women confronted the dudes with the flag, calling out the black man who was with the frat dudes for allowing this racist shit, the two groups started to get close and a bit physical and people intervened to pull the women away. It was on the north side of the flag pole right next to the big group of people surrounding the pole at around 2:50.

I couldn’t find an official spreadsheet but these are some articles I found!

I want to add that everything was peaceful until the cops showed up. Protestors had locked arms around the flagpole, and when police showed up they pulled people by their hair to the ground, threw a barricade onto top of a student in a wheelchair, pepper sprayed people, etc. Lee Roberts was there next to the police officers with a smile on his face, the video is on the uncsjp insta. this got the attention of everyone, which is when the frat boys with their American flag and the pro-Israel counter protests got involved. They were calling people slurs like n word and the d work, and people started chasing one another, the counter protestors threw a few punches. It all escalated from there until the original protestors told people to leave because they knew police officers with riot gear were showing up. They were able to get the police officers off the quad, and didn’t want other students getting hurt or for their original demands to get muddled by all the new attention.

This is true. The protests were peaceful today until the police showed up and pepper sprayed everyone, and then the frat boys with their American flag and the pro-Israel group. The original group was continuing their peaceful protests, but so much attention from new people wanting excitement came in and that’s when water bottles were thrown. That’s why it dispersed, all of the original group told everyone to leave and none of the new people were leaving.