No new mom should take any advice or follow in BF footsteps with anything ever!

Foodnanny’s mom just emptying a whole bag of flour into a drawer in the kitchen and saying it’s clean, no big deal! It’s dark in there, no bugs nothing 🤢 just wow! I’m sure they don’t have mice and other things but ummm other bugs can get into said drawer. Also, flour should be kept in an airtight container to keep fresh and keep moisture out. A simple drawer can’t do either of those.

Aah yes, silly me that I forgot that part too!

Ours is no longer allowed to be called teacher appreciation week in my district. It’s now staff appreciation week. So it includes everyone, yet they still celebrate secretary day, principal day, lunch workers day and bus driver day separately…

They got a divorce, she no longer claims the stepson as one of her kids… she has 4 kids of her own with the ex husband… she still is trying to get all the money and still claiming that she can help cure your postpartum depression with her CEO course.

We have them sometimes at our location in SoCal

Because you care, because you know you might be over your head and will need to figure out something. Also, because you don’t have an endless supply of money. They simply just don’t care to learn more, figure out what is going wrong. You also have a veterinarian and not taking things into your hands.

Rules only exist if you are poor, rich don’t follow them

Expensive, ugly and just flaunting it for all to see when they watch the TikTok. I’m curious to know what her big business goal is that she met…

It seems at least once a week if not multiple times a week… far too many times to not have more serious consequences and discussions happening. Oh wait, then they wouldn’t be able to post it to Instagram to get reactions and views.

Oh a hundred percent she frequents their property. I think mainly to help get her Instagram seen more and gain more followers.

By the way, I scrolled Hannah’s highlights and she introduced Hannah to this recipe in August 2021.

She came over to the farm and spent one afternoon showing Hannah how to make them a while back.

Just that she’s divorced and can’t believe she’s saying those words… no reason

It’s in the one titled “Top 5 Strategies for Establishing a Business that Lasts” about halfway into the episode…

I agree fully! Went about 10 years ago and he kept getting his cape caught in trap doors, the theater was half empty so everyone who wasn’t close to the stage was brought down to be closer for free. It was cringe!

On your own, at one point they did offer a housing stipend BUT you are on your own and not allowed to live on base. You live on the economy in housing you find. It is a great career move if you like living overseas and getting new kids in and out frequently.

I unfollowed her years ago after she was promoting Kayse Morris and her “get rich by quitting teaching” ways. She’s one of the “success” stories Kayse has latched onto

Not to mention who knows if HF put everything else together correctly since he put the front plate on backwards. Might be built incorrectly too

We do it for rain and during wildfires. Other than that, they are outside

We had outdoor recess and normal dismissal 🤷🏼‍♀️ high gusts of winds are part of the area I reside in- also in SoCal…

It’s still on her feed- Google “Ballerina Farm Rooster attack” and it will pop up. The oldest girl was attacked back in April of 2018. She was one year old!

Considering they haven’t changed their ways of parenting since moving onto the farm, they’ll just continue to do as they have until there is a more serious injury. You must be newer, for a while, on her feed you could see the picture of the aftermath of a bloody faced child who was attacked by a rooster. They do not care about safety nor will they take any advice from anyone. They believe the kids are invincible and nothing too bad can happen.

She was pregnant with baby #9 when they competed. Like she found out at the pageant or around the time of the pageant…