I went in person but you might be able to get it online. It was Harbor Springs Mattress Company in Michigan

Firm. We also decided we’re not doing foam mattresses anymore because they keep getting saggy and unsupportive after like 3 years. There’s a local company by us that makes high quality nontoxic supportive mattresses that have a 25 year warranty so we ordered one and I can’t wait for it to come in, our old one is killing my back

My 10 month old is an absolute night owl and likes to go to bed about 9-9:30 and sleep til 8-8:30. Not what the baby books recommend but I’m also a night owl so I’ll take it. Besides any attempt to shift his schedule result in weird night wake ups. Some babies are just like this

No reaction to 2 month vaccine. Only thing he’s had a reaction to was the RSV vaccine and that was mild—small rash around injection site that went away in a few days and a little extra crabby

It definitely helps. If the schedule is off, you’re more likely to get weird night wake ups

Hey same with mine! Between CMPA and FPIES, my little guy is pretty much vegan except for his hypoallergenic formula. We do lots of beans, tofu, pumfu (high protein tofu alternative made from pumpkin seeds), protein rich grains like quinoa and millet, chick pea pasta. We used to do hummus until he had an allergic reaction after like the hundredth time eating it. I’ve been finding ways to mix silky tofu into stuff like mashed potatoes and pasta sauce to give him a little extra protein too

That’s great I’m glad you’re making it work!

You can also go see a physical medicine and rehab doctor if you’re not sure about surgery

The epidural was way less painful than everything else that was going on 🙃 it does feel like you’re a maple tree getting a spigot for syrup tapped and cranked into you though

How did post op recovery go for you with needing to care for a small child? I have 2 herniated discs and a 10 month old and reherniation post op just from needing to care for my giant baby is a big fear

It’s been about 3-4 weeks since I’ve gotten it and I think it’s still working. It took me from 9-10/10 pain every day to like 4-5/10. Considering getting a second one if I can’t keep getting the pain down with PT

I’m the inverse of you, sitting was impossible but standing and walking was ok. Epidural steroid injection and PT has helped a lot. Still not able to pick up my son yet but can at least sit with him on my lap for a short bit now. Hope you heal quickly and can pick up your kid too!

In small amounts they are ok, my understanding is that our omega 6-omega 3 ratio being too high in omega 6 can be problematic. Anecdotally for me I can say that reducing omega 6 and increasing omega 3 has significantly reduced inflammation

Seconding the sketchers slip ons! They have been a game changer

We definitely can absorb PFAs through our skin. Most of the research I’m familiar with has focused on clothing and can be found in this book. A lot of information came out years ago after a class action lawsuit from flight attendants whose uniforms caused serious health issues due to PFAs. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/19/1188343293/is-toxic-fashion-making-us-sick-a-look-at-the-chemicals-lurking-in-our-clothes

Did absolutely nothing for me

Alternating heat and ice was helpful for me

It’s great to try to be in shape before and keep your core and pelvic floor as strong as you can during your pregnancy, as that will help a lot with birth and recovery. But honestly, no birthing cannot be biohacked. There are some complications that are just shit luck and not because you did or didn’t do something. Birth is the biggest surrender of control when it comes to your body.

Yup. Doctor originally thought it was piriformus syndrome and maybe it was but then I ended up with 2 herniated discs and pain that goes all the way down the leg

It was a little hard at first but now I actually find that if I go back to my old less protective movements it’s way more painful. It’s just a matter of remembering to keep my core engaged and keep good form but it’s made a huge difference in actually being able to heal and not making the pain worse

I have the hip/butt pain that shoots down the leg. At my worst it would lock my whole leg up and was hard to put weight on it. MRI showed two herniated discs at L4-L5 and L5-S1. I got the epidural shot and it helped a lot, but only paired with PT and following McGill’s advice from Back Mechanic. Would highly recommend that book it’s a great resource

This is disgraceful that we are doubling down on a geriatric candidate this will lose to one of the dumbest candidates of all time because he won’t get his ego out of the way and step down. Democrats stop being chicken shit and pick a winnable candidate