It’s what we do when we look at the moon. We gaze (gays) at it.

FYI. Trump WILL take it to the US Supreme Court.

In his position, I would 🤣

LASIK is surgery is to the eyeball itself to correct vision. Not everyone is a good candidate. My eye surgeon reversed them.

There’s a point where it makes you look exhausted all the time and in my case, it’s droopy to the point that peripherals are affected.

It is her eyelids. I’m headed for this surgery for the same reason.

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of your eyelids. Gets rid of the upper lid droop.

Well, if they do would you REALLY WANT THEM EW 💀


Edit: I was being funny, it’s fr God help us all. I’m going in for a look.


Pretty sure that’s a sick cat to behave like that.

Yes, see how many people show up. Get Ripleys there. It would be fun 🤩

I swear people have lost their minds 🤣


Put a camera where you can watch her reactions to what you’re doing. She may call out the local minister, priest, or exorcist. Ijs

It’s creepy and every child needs privacy at 15 yo.

No, this isn’t ok. Tell her to put them on the house all she wants. It’s her house.

Where’s your dad or grandparents maybe? This is inappropriate behavior for a parent period kiddo.

Btw OP. I doubt it’s legal in ANY WAY.

So, please talk to a safe adult about this ASAP and check your spaces out well. Keep checking your spaces.

Actually ADHD was there.

My son went to a neuro/pediatric specialist.

We sat in a small room and watched my son dismantle it. Our ears, nose, and throat were examined, thank God he didn’t know what proctology was. He had just turned 5. I was mortified. 🤣

He was the 1st kid with a dx for it in his school district. His case was extreme though.