I mean, that's what football looks like to me anyway...

I'm pretty sure Madonna is still the most 'successful' female artist when totaling everything she's sold over the years. She was just recertified as the most successful back in October I think. She just had the second biggest audience for any artist ever in the world only a few months ago...Taylor is fun, but she's not breaking any new ground or anything.

Never forget, Mr. Mapother has three front teeth. 3!

Dems aren't even in control of the house....what do you expect them to do? There has to be Republican will do to anything of this sort..

I'm still waiting for a hot person to grace the screen.

You can modify your ghost to include a glimmer gain multiplier. I have found that that helps.

because it's brand new? Is this your first experience with commerce?

don't think for a second that monkey wouldn't rip that kitten apart, limb from limb if agitated. this is a scary, and tenuous scene at best.

Her hair always looks like it never fully grew back. she's always got some kind of chunky layers on the top of her head.