Lurtz is the barbarian, I'd say almost all orcs are.

Gimli is a fighter and most dwarves are.

Eomer is a cavalier fighter.

Really most people are different flavors of fighter outside the 5 wizards and sauron, aragorn (multiclass ranger + paladin), and likely Legolas. Bilbo and frodo are rogues. Not sure what smeagol is.

Do you already have your MS degree? If not, I'd try to master out if you can in this program. I realize it may be slightly dishonest to continue with your fellowship without the intention to complete the PhD, but you have to take care of yourself. Your future job would do the same to you in an instant.

The real one two punch is Lakers + In N Out. Kobe's post Oscar win meal was In N Out, and Shaq also is a big fan.

It's a linguistics thing guys. Tagalog and most Filipino dialects have both an inclusive (tayo) and exclusive (kami) word for we, and for ours (natin and namin).

This post would make more sense in Tagalog since OP would have used namin to say ours, excluding the people reading it, or us redditors outside the Philippines.

Either way, we should be grateful that the sun never sets on Lakers nation, we are worldwide.

Is there a PhD program that could do this for you? I'm sure there is a humanities PhD where you can spend your first few years discovering research topics you're interested in before honing in on your dissertation.

A PhD is research, and what you want to do before starting your PhD sounds like what I did during the first few years of my PhD. You don't need to have a clearly defined research topic going into a PhD in my opinion, but the desire to learn and research at the highest academic level is required. This is of course program and PI dependent, but I'm sure you could find one that allows this sort of flexibility in the first year or two.

Is arms stance battle stance? I only know classic with its 3 stances. I'd think gimli stance dances between all 3, but agree he mainly uses battle stance.

Aragon does not fall into any single wow class. In D&D terms he is muticlassing ranger and paladin. He gains more paladin levels during the campaign.

Gimli fury prot best tank. At that point Aragorn and Legolas were doing too much DPS and pulling threat.

Davao is not a small town, but I understand it was a large leap for Duterte to go from mayor of Davao to President.

Boromir was the main tank, but he died. Gimli stepped up afterwards and became the main tank.

Pick your poison. Dry heat for 3 months where you go swimming or stay inside the AC, or shovel snow and drive in it for 3 months with the heater on. If you want perfect weather year round you have to pay for San diego.

That sounds like a fascinating degree and very interesting subject matter. Unfortunately we live in a capitalistic society where only the skills that push more profits to the shareholders are rewarded.

The people I have met who have been successful with humanities degrees have gotten jobs out of their field. However, what I have seen from them is that they are very skilled in research, writing (including technical writing), presentations and public speaking, and communicating complex ideas clearly and concisely.

I am an engineer and a very successful humanities grad I work with is a product manager. The most important thing you may learn is how you learn, and if you keep learning new skills you can talk your way into jobs outside of your field you may not feel you are qualified for. Keep your mind open, enjoy your degree while you're still in it, and never stop learning.

The Lawyer is not normal. I'd say Ben the Soldier is the only normal person.

Imagine not recognizing Dwarven melee superiority.

Also delete all social media instantly, especially Instagram and Tik Tok. That is poison for your brain. If you choose to stay on Reddit, follow subreddits that give you good information for life, like personal finance, life pro tips, college subreddits, blue collar and trade school subreddits, gym and bodybuilding, etc.

Never worry about what other people think about you, just try to become a slightly better version of yourself everyday. Don't compare yourself to anyone but yourself a few years ago. If there's improvement you're on the right track, if not, you have plenty of time to course correct.

Take an online course on personal finance instead so that you can make responsible decisions when you turn 18.

I'm not talking about a crypto scam or other investing scam course, I'm talking about general personal finance. So many kids talk about being upset they didn't learn about filing taxes, interest, how to buy a house, how to pay for college, trade school, etc while in high school. CCSD won't do it for you, you have to learn it yourself.

As a bonus tip for investing, if it sounds too good to be true like a get rich quick scheme, it is. Investing takes time and patience. Don't day trade, buy and hold, slow and steady.

You have 15-50 years to make enough money for retirement. Yes you can retire at 30, look into the FIRE (financially independent retired early) community.

Right move: not buy an $80k car in the first place. Since we don't have time nachines, sell it and get the cheapest, most reliable car you can get.

A car gets you from point A to point B, thats it. It's a depreciating asset, and yours may very likely end up being a liability. If you want to FIRE, follow the subs advice.

Smeagol: we forgot the taste of bread... the sound of trees... the softness of the wind. We even forgot our own name.

So would watering down the doctrine be attending the wedding of an LGBT friend or family member? I think if a full standing member attended it wouldn't mean they are now in support of gay marriage. Likewise if they had someone over for dinner it wouldn't mean they support that kind of lifestyle. As long as you make it clear that you stand by the doctrine of the church and the proclamation the the world to everyone I think you aren't watering down the doctrine. If Christ were alive today I think he would be spending time with people of all lifestyles contrary to the gospel and preaching in the way that best suits every individual. I think the best way to help others is to befriend them, spend time with them, and let them see how the light of the gospel has enriched your life.

I personally think we can do better to help people of different lifestyles, including but not limited to LGBT, by befriending them, spending time with them, and in general preaching the gospel. If we feel inspired, or if otherwise needed, we could use words to preach the gospel.

Smeagol. He's just a normal dude who wanted his precious birthday present back. Also normal people eat raw fish all the time in the form of sushi.

Is this a tongue in cheek post regarding the LGBT community, or overall values that are changing throughout the world? In regards to the LGBT community and loving them, I think it is quite easy to be friendly, loving, and accepting without compromising our values. I don't see where we compromise the 1st or 2nd commandment in situations I describe below.

I don't like the metaphor, but if you compare it to friends and family that drink, or smoke, you can have meaningful and loving friendships with such people that have different morals and values than you do. Tolerating them though may be different, and simple rules can be placed that can be understood in a loving manner, like no drinking or smoking while visiting my house or church.

Applying the same to an LGBT friend, I think it's perfectly in line with both commandments to have a friend from this community over for dinner, even with their partner, and also understanding that they don't go over a line of PDA, just as you wouldn't want a heterosexual couple visiting your home to do.

Of course it gets more complicated when you have a close friend or family member that is LGBT (or holds other values not aligned with ours) and gets married. How do we go about this situation? If there is drinking at someone else's wedding, you can still go and support the couple but don't drink. If it is an LGBT wedding, I don't think it is against the 1st commandment to attend the wedding, just like we'd attend a hetero wedding that serves alcohol. I don't agree that drinking is right, and I believe in traditional hetero marriage as well, but I don't feel like I'm compromising the 1st commandment by attending either wedding.

That will never be worth the price. In N Out is the best, freshest burger you can ever get for the price, or best quality per dollar. 5 guys is a good burger, but the quality per dollar is absolutely awful.

Actually Triple Triad is the main game, FF8 is the sidequest.

Try out the peppers instead. They are not stingy with them and they taste better.