They most definitely do intersect. We’ve all met one scary twink in our lives. If you think you don’t, you do, just be glad you haven’t triggered the scary yet 😱

It is horrible to see the rise in crimes like these, especially when children are committing them, Crime is often a symptom of gross injustice and suffering.

In this video we saw them stealing sponges, The comments mention seeing fenced goods being sold on the streets.

When “illegal” markets like these spring up, especially so brazenly, it is because society as a whole is exerting tremendous hardship and pressure on specific populations to sustain a bloated/inhumane/cruel economy. These kids should be in academic-sport-art-trade programs but we fail to fund or even ensure basic needs like clean and safe housing, food, utilities, medicine, and innovative education.

We can’t afford the basics of a democratic and advancing society, but we all work to fund the extravagance and shallow self destruction of billionaires and politicians.

Sure when traffic isn’t heavy. I also live in Boston (20 years) and know that when the cars get going, more so on the west side and near haymarket, there are very dangerous crossings and cars going too high a speed around an area meant to be full of pedestrians. It’s not great design to have a space like this right off busy tunnels and highways

It’s bc Rowling isn’t a good writer, came up with a really crappy magic system, and didn’t know how to realistically write children who discovered they can do magic

They don’t belong in these enclosures. Most zoos aquariums etc are wildly inadequate and inappropriate places for animals. They exist for our entertainment, not their life we need to radically reimagine them and the way we treat the natural world

Fuck —and I can’t stress this enough— Taylor swift and all the other performative elites destroying the planet for their selfish brutish pleasure

You act like a fire bender with real consequences couldn’t horribly disfigure someone with minimal effort, or earth and water benders couldn’t force dirt or water in your lungs as well.

Also there are only two confirmed flying air benders

And if you watch that episode again and listen to what the sages say, they clearly say they can’t heal, just sense the energy imbalances and that’s why they have to lower her into the water to recover.

I biked from Boston to Austin this last month and ppl always ask me, on an e bike? I always say no, on my acoustic so no, you will never cancel that term in biking !

Bast is a classic name. From the Egyptian cat goddess. I call mine pan, short for panther and for the Greek god of nature pan bc he was an older feral rescue.


Him and his vicious sister Walt

Water. Literally all our lives revolve around water.

Cooking cleaning construction surgery medicine safety operations would be vastly improved and facilitated

It’s unsatisfying bc aang unlocks the avatar state by chance during the final fight and his ending move is given to him by the lion turtle right before the fight, removing any character driven choice in ending the conflict with ozai

Y’all acting like you would hire specifically to enforce just public urination. It would be to enforce a range of things to do with use of public spaces, like parking in bike lanes, smoking in public, littering especially cigarette butts, traffic violations, etc

I think of it like a power washer.

Whenever we see aang use it, he’s out of control and given to the avatar state completely. It’s like a kid letting the power washer run wild, unable to keep the powerful stream from damaging things around them.

Korra is in control of it so she enters it briefly to draw power or experience. She’s already a powerful bender without it so she doesn’t rly need it to perform crazy feats, like when she throws an entire river at the mech.

The closest korras avatar state comes to aangs is when she’s poisoned in the s3 finale. She is rampaging, throwing mountains, shooting jets of water out from thousands of feat, and flying like ozai did with the comets help.

Her avatar state is also much more powerful by the end than the beginning bc she’s more in tune with her spirituality

You should pickle the onions next time! Still crunchy, but now a little tart and sweet + whatever other flavors you put into the brine. They’re super simple to make

We have 5. Plus a stray in the porch, plus 2 other strays we managed to find homes for

Yes bc me holding a mirror to your behaviors is totally worse than y’all scouring the internet for ppl sharing their lives and joys and bashing on them in an echo chamber. I’m the socially inept one here. Not y’all.

To continue your metaphor of highschool, what you’re doing is like scouring peoples social media or yearbooks and then shit talking bc you don’t have joy in your life, so you need to denigrate others for daring to be happy.

Odd how you bring up anti Natalist post as if I’ve defended or participated favorably in those spaces. And again, not being interested in or not liking dogs is not the same as the shit y’all do in these spaces. Y’all are accusing me of not respecting y’all’s preferences to not have dogs and being a nutter while acting more deranged and mocking people who do have dogs in their lives and taking their pics to feel a perverse sense of superiority by degrading them.

lol at y’all acting like an oppressed group. Your weird hate boner isn’t “simply different from me”.

“I rode slowly or stopped if the road was dangerous and some of them would get killed”. As in I stopped if the road was dangerous so they wouldn’t be running far from home on a dangerous road and potentially get killed. If I stopped they’d get bored and go back or their owners would call them back

But yes continue to call me a sick fuck

And I’m allowed to call you miserable for it. If that pisses you off mute me. It’s not that hard. Jesus fucking Christ

I don’t have any dogs; I’m just not a deranged individual like y’all who act disgustingly in your pool of hatred for a thing that literally impacts you in no way. Funny how you can mute a dog subreddit, but avoiding pictures of dogs all together isn’t possible. You actively seek them out in this hate circle jerk

Being something free doesn’t make someone miserable bitter and sad. Y’all choosing to be that way and actively hate is pathetic