Keep us updated. It is so hard to see them suffering… even harder to leave them overnight when all you want to do is cuddle them well.

World domination over cats and Jack Russells. Or running to dinner (more likely).

Whip worm? I had a basset once who got it and it was not a common thing.

Geese are scary. I know! Imagine the term “goosed” but with a real goose who comes up behind while you are attempting to touch the apparently docile “decoy” in front of you that you are reaching out for (6 year old me). I have gone out to get my mail with geese in my front yard and been quite deliberately and professionally scooted/forced back in the house with one still staying on my porch to keep me in. Goose paranoia? I think not…..

Can’t hear it over the basset hound snoring on the couch across the room and the dachshund snoring in the bedroom…… Lots of love snores and snorts here!❤️

It is hard to lose a pet because people discount the importance in our lives. Every time I see a memorial post I DO hug mine. If I lost my sweet babies, one in particular, I would be devastated.

He looks like my prim and proper grandma did. Judging, harrumphing and those long meaningful sighs….

What a great face! He’s 100% dog buddy and that is all that matters.

You are a beautiful girl! We are all a little sweet and stinky. ❤️

In my dream world, I have basset ranch with short little fences that corral them in the yard. All colors and sizes and ages. Basset-topia! And they all come running in the short and wide doggie door at the same time and almost get stuck…. Too much…? 😎

They bring so much to our lives… Goodbye Reggie. ❤️🐾

I know that look. He is going to be a character!

Reminds me of my own Flash❤️ Gone but never forgotten…🐾🐾

My most recent is 8 years old and I’m still looking for the car keys she took when she was 6 months old. Hopefully when I find them they will be with all the stuff the ones before her (she’s #8) took, like the remote to the old VCR and my badge to my job from 20 years ago. Gotta love them… 🐾❤️

It’s a trap. They do something unbelievably cute and then - bang - you find your passport on the deck chewed into little pieces. Or your glasses and earbuds. But the cute is worth the pain. 😵‍💫

Basshole!!! I love that!! I am on # 8 basset (most have gone to that big couch in the sky) and that is a great observation. Life was an adventure when we had 3 at a time. 😱