Your follow up appointment for blood tests should be fully bulk-billed and you should not be paying out of pocket for it at all.

I’m going to echo fairy here and say see if you can be referred to the public hospital. If your iron levels are that low you should be pretty high up the list. I had my iron infusion done at the hospital. But I was also referred by a specialist so that made it a bit easier.

“They were never going to find better than me.”

Really it’s not that weird. They knew what they had but they didn’t want to put in the work.

They’re with someone new now. I imagine she’s better for him than me. Anyway c’est la vie.

Hot take. I’m laughing so hard there’s milk coming out of my nostrils.

Oh yeah I’ve got the most sensible looking car but I definitely got a look parking in the disabled spot at uni cause I don’t otherwise look like I am disabled. End of the day when I’m hobbling back to my car though nobody questioned it.

It’s shitty though because people taking up these spaces just ruins it for everyone else.

Thanks. It’s still hard you know? I guess the whole situation really made me realise how much I do believe in not wanted and unloveable. Like I know that’s not true. But having someone that was your everything so that really makes you feel like garbage.

I don’t think I can do this anymore

Watching the person who was my everything cast me aside brutally and then flaunt their new relationship in our shared gym on the night I’ve trained there for the last ten years seems to have been the final straw. Why does everyone I love hurt me?

What did I do to deserve to be treated like garbage? All the stress of everything combined makes it next to impossible to keep going.

I just got out of 2 years of just this. We kept pushing it and pushing it until it blew up into a massive fight and my ex blocked me on everything to make a clean cut.

It sucked, but if they say they don’t want a relationship, they don’t want a relationship. Even if they act like they want one with you. Because the words don’t match the actions it isn’t worth it. You deserve someone who shows and tells you they want a relationship with you.

I rent so can’t really go adding locks to things or just get a dog. But I’ll probably put some cameras up. I also don’t have anxiety meds.

Freaking Out Alone in Apartment

So basically, I live by myself. And early this morning I witnessed a fairly violent break in just outside my bedroom window in the neighbour’s house. The police were called and it was sorted but the whole experience has really shaken me. I’ve called absolutely everyone I can to see if someone can come stay with me for a night. Because I can’t bring myself to stay somewhere else either. And nobody can come. Which is fine, but my anxiety is really acting up.

I had a friend who was in his house when someone tried to break in and he used to call me when he was feeling afraid. But recently we had a complete breakdown of the friendship and I can’t reach out to him. But I feel like he’s the only person who really understands the fear I’m experiencing. Everybody else is just really flippant about it.

I dunno maybe I’m overreacting.

We tend to use “she” as a default pronoun here. Think terms like “she’ll be right” or “isn’t she a beauty” (in reference to an object). I’ve never really looked into the etymology of it, but it’s sorta just the done thing here. I dunno if that answers your question really though.

Ah dang. I’m landing in Austria in June and then making my way through to France (not sure where yet) in July. Might try and find some overnighters or something.

I’ll be around in July. Is summer too late?

To add to this if you check it out from a library in Australia the author still gets royalties for a missed sale whereas if you buy second hand they don’t get anything.

Imagine asking people for their opinions only to be a dick when they don’t align with yours. Oh wait. This is reddit.

Exercise, cutting down on social media, good sleep, therapy, honestly financial stability (I don’t earn heaps but it’s consistent).

More indication of light! Where is the light coming from and what values it adds. I wasn’t totally aware there was a second person in the painting and I think I bit more light and shade would have really helped that.

I’ve got to agree here. It’s very much sounding like you need to have the other physical and emotional intimacy to want to have sex with him. It may be time to walk away from the relationship. It sounds like he’s struggling with trust and intimacy too and honestly, that’s likely not going to change while you’re there. Gently let him know that you need more from a relationship and that it might be best if you two are no longer together.

Awe thank you so much!

Oh man, it really doesn’t feel like it.

Happy birthday! I hope you find a way to make today wonderful for you!

The Last TimeOriginal Content Poem

I thought I still saw love

in his eyes

the last time I caught his gaze

catch mine, but


now that I’ve had a bit of

dwelling time, I think

it was just another one

of his lies

captured and reflected

as starlight back into mine.


The Last Time

I thought I still saw love in his eyes the last time I caught his gaze catch mine, but maybe, now that I’ve had a bit of dwelling time, I think it was just another one of his lies captured and reflected as starlight back into mine.

