Hydroponics using seeds

In the past, I have planted my fruits and veggie plants using pre-starters from a local nursery. This year my daughter wanted to try to grow plants from seed packets we bought at the local hardware store. We have planted watermelon, cucumbers, bell peppers, and carrots this year. They have been doing okay but still waiting on something big enough to eat.

One interesting thing that happened was we have a bird feeder that has various types of seeds in it. One of those seeds is sunflower seeds. That bird feeder is located just above a goldfish pond. Earlier this year a few of those seeds was knocked into the pond and started growing. They grew to about 3 to 4 inches each before we notice them. We stuck them into our garden for the fun of it just to see how well they grow. Which so far has been pretty well.

That got me thinking, if we grow from seeds again next year, that I could put those seeds into containers inside that pond (or dip that water into a bowl with the seeds) and just plant whatever sprouts.

I am sure others have tried a similar method. My question is, would this method work better, worse, or about the same as planting the seeds into dirt first and waiting for it to grow? Is there a better method that I could try?

I have tried over the years to plan some sort of date but usually she rejects. I want to think the last date to be went on without the kids was in 2017

Anniversary advice Seeking Advice

My marriage has been on a downward spiral for several years to the point where it almost feels like a game of chicken as to who will call it quits first. Anniversaries always feel more like an obligation than a celebration. How does one find the drive to keep celebrating when what seems to be a never ending rough patch?

Finally one that is not in the dead center of the frame

Wow, I was off. I zoomed in too far so the piece pixelated and that made it blend in more

Mobile Turn based champion gameMobile

I am looking for a champion based game. I would like the game to have controllable stat allocation. As in, if I want to build a tank, mage, berserker, ECT character then I can control how they stats are as that character levels. I would also like to see the game have some sort of turn-based battles.

The only game I've ever found that was similar was an obscure game called Battle edge and it was on the Facebook platform a number of years ago.

They buy, but do they sell?

Turn based champion gameSeeking Game Recommendationđź‘€

I am looking for a champion based game. I would like the game to have controllable stat allocation. As in, if I want to build a tank, mage, berserker, ECT character then I can control how they stats are as that character levels. I would also like to see the game have some sort of turn-based battles.

The only game I've ever found that was similar was an obscure game called Battle edge and it was on the Facebook platform a number of years ago.

I am 40/m and unknown. I lead the Charlie Harper (Charlie Sheen's character from 2 and a half men) lifestyle in my late 20s-early 30s until I met my wife.

Even with the sound of I can hear the WWEEEEEEE!!!!!

Wow! I never knew that. I climbed my way to the top the hard way.

Get used to it. And over leveling is always an option. I have faced many races where I did not have the best gear and I overleveled myself using training bags to the point where I could get past it.

I won this race the other day with the skateboard in the daily race. But I do recall the hang glider band right behind me. The winged shoes as mentioned earlier would also be a good choice.

I will keep that in mind.

Pond snailsQuick question

I have an outdoor 125 gal pond with a few goldfish in it. I had put in a few algae eater in the past but they have not faired so well. The reason for them was to keep the algae down. I had considered snails but I have heard people starting off with a few and then getting over run with them. How do I prevent this from happening? And those with snails, would they stay contained in the pond or would they adventure off? I am hoping to keep them contained.


I did not try sanding the pegs but I did try gorilla glue several times and after several weeks the area would separate again and the glue would just peel right off the pegs

Best wood glues for furniture

I have some wooden furniture that is antique. Not expensive but hand-me-down from my great grandparents. Some of the wooden peg joints (which originally glued together) have started to come apart. I have tried various types of wood glues with the latest being gorilla glue. But after a few weeks they start to separate at the joints previously glued. Advice?

I used to bounce between the 4 shown on the picture and would get 2nd or 3rd every time to one of the other 4. Then someone suggested the beach racer and won every time since

It is / was shallow at the time of the photo. I had just finished siphoning the water for cleaning. Shade is very dependent as there are no trees within a couple hundred feet. So the only shade is early in the morning and afternoon when the Sun goes behind the house. But I do have some shading plants that I planted last year that have not fully grew.

Lol. My daughter stole that from my late grandfather.

I currently do that manually. I have several plants/bushes/trees that I scoop out the water and feed on the almost daily during the warmer months and they grew much better than year before

I have been thinking of adding some aquatic plants but not sure what would grow well with a plastic bottom. I have heard that snails would be good for the algae but I have heard that people in my area who have tried had the snails get out of control. We do plan on adding some plants around the edge. Some from last year are growing back just out of frame that didn't grow well because of shock.

I hand scrubbed the pond. It is too small to try and power wash