ZooTV Sydney for sure. Some of the others are good shows but anything directed by Hammish Hamilton is almost ruined by his incessant editing that bounces around like a meth-addicted chihuahua.

For me: Roger Moore’s were all terrible, half of Connery’s were pretty bad, only one of Brosnan’s was any good. But overall: Moore was the worst.

No, but Led Tasso is a terrible show.

I'd vote for a flaming bag of dogsh!t over Smelly Donnie. At least the dogsh!t wouldn't attempt a Coup or destroy our democracy.

If we had even 50 more Congresspeople like Jasmine Crockett this country would be so much better off. Speaks facts, doesn't shy away from the truth, roasts hypocrisy on open flames.

This guy would be the final boss of douches, but even he is a pathetic simp for King Donnie Dumbass. Lord of All Douches.

With the mountain of half-decent/half-cringy comic book movies that exist, I have never gotten around to nit-picking Nolan's Uber-Chad of a trilogy.

957 Movies / 68 TV series

Oh hell yeah, thanks for the heads up!

She's a piece of ass or was when we met her.

957 Movies / 68 TV series

Sopranos for $50 or under.

I bet that tree's supervisor is going to receive a harshly worded letter in 3-5 business days.

Do constituents get a discount on her escorting rate?

S2 is a (big) letdown on a first watch, but I’ve enjoyed it more each time I’ve seen it. It takes too long to really get the story moving but really sprints to the finish. And the cast puts up some great performances, McAdams, Farrell, Vaughn, Kitsch along with the supporting cast.