I'm guessing you're struggling with a yes or no question, and that the answer is yes. So despite the fact that there are literally hundreds of pictures which show an outline of his diapers; despite the fact that there are thousands of witness testimonies about him wearing diapers and having a fowl smell from a dirty diaper; despite the fact that his own followers showed solidarity with the fact that hr wears diapers by wearing some on the outside of their clothing... You still chose to believe that he doesn't?

I'll sorry, dude. If you chose to ignore the blantant and undeniability of him wearing a diaper then you are flat incapable of understanding why he is a Russian pet. Trump could be standing right in front of you in nothing but a diaper and you'd still not believe it. Good luck!

Bold of you to assume there's a Cybertruck owner under 280lbs.

Wait... I get the skepticism about the Russian pet thing, but you seriously don't believe he wears a diaper? Like really?

Can your vehicle drive 2mph on a clear but slightly muddy path?! Oh, it can? Well... CYBERTRUCK SO PERFECT!

Insulting? Just stating the truth about Trump. He's a feeble old man who can no longer control his bowls and wears a diaper at all times. He is a Russian pet. No insults to you or him, just facts.

Wont have to. He'll sell the U.S. to Daddy Putin or he wont get his diaper changed.

The one reason I don't have faith in Pax Dei is because one of their possible business models is being digital landlords, charging monthly for property in game. Want more space? Pay more monthly. If that's the route they take, I wont be playing. Until then, I'll remain sceptical.

It's a good thing their party keeps cutting education and forcing breeding (especially on kids)! More idiots = more votes for them!

And here I am having "Ingots" spelled out above 40 chests for storing ingots...

So far, I haven't seen confirmation that it exists in all non-PvP zones, and it's so rare when it does exist that it can take days just to get enough for a new pickaxe. Anyone using the "It's available outside of PvP" excuse is enabling the death of the game.

But I want to hear it again...

MAGA realising they can be as evil as they want so long as they say they're the good guys. lol

I submit to you that a person who owns a bike made for doing these jumps is not exibiting free will by doing the jumps, because owning the bike informs them to do the jumps. Free will would be owning the bike and refusing to do the sick jumps.

Man, Reddit seriously needs to put an end to this, it's not even funny anymore.

The funny part is they already said the DOJ is done when he's elected. After that, I'm sure it'll be punishable by death to talk poorly about King Trump.

So weird that she just throws away Come On Bro, Don't Be A Dick and goes with this book.

These ones voted against it. It was the ones who are owned by corporations that voted for it.

To be fair, he doesn't look like he's having fun on that yacht. So he was being honest!

Yeah, but that was back before the invention of sexual harassment, so it was okay.

No need, the MAGAts could literally watch Trump shoot him and believe any bullshit he makes up.