And here we have a wild striped mohawk duck in his natural habitat. He's known for his high pitched squeaky sound he emits while threatened.

Ok but about my Jewish space lazer

Where did you get that rug? It's almost as cut as the cutie kitties.... almost

If my sims in the mobile one would just stop puking!

Same. My mom told me "here's the sex talk. Ready? If you need condoms just tell me." My dad said "boys only want 1 thing just remember that" Um guys is no one going to tell me anything? I asked questions and they were happy to answer but damn we all need to be more open. So I had to teach mine everything and now they know. Well most of it lol.

This is awesome! I love it

I'm just mad I'm old enough to know the reference and have seen it and liked it. I bet my kids would hate it. I'm going to ask when they wake up.

Oh my 11 yr old daughter is a bad influence too! She let the neighbor girl have extra snacks and screen time and taught her what a furry is! I have bigger things to worry about than that so whatever.

I totally understand. I send you hugs if you want them

Oh for God sake My son got in trouble for standing up for his friends in elementary school then again in highschool. I have to homeschool him now but he's 17.

I recorded a kid doing that to my ADHD son that has PTSD and showed her Mom. I hope you get that kid. I'm so sorry.

Too much Zoloft can make you feel anxious so I assume other antidepressants can work that way. Also I have to take an anti-anxiety med with my other meds now too so it may not hurt. I hope you feel better soon

And 2 kids. 1 is a teen and the other is about to be and acts like it. I spend a lot of time in bed. Hugs u guys.

I like her a lot she is good very good

Thank you for providing the link. Got mine and my mother's. This means a lot to me.