Probably Charlie negotiating each side of the fence

I'll always have a soft spot for Timaru - when I was younger lived 45 mins away (Hinds) and we'd go to the wharf for fishing, get some muscles of the rocks for bait and pull in some Cod in the evening!

What’s more annoying is when they switch and don’t do it- it’s like they forgot on the odd occasion.

That one on St Ives immediately after the Garrick Road intersection (heading South) got me a couple of weeks back - scared the shit outa me.

I was bought up that way (farmer), can hear Nana and Mum in my head “so you don’t track dirt and mud into the house”

I quite liked it, it’s my kind of humour. The way I justified the cringy or childish parts was that Korg was telling the whole story - we’re seeing it through his somewhat innocent and adoring eyes.

For domain, there is a chrome extension called Homer, previously KoalaData, that gives this info along with a bunch of other stuff (nbn connection, est price if not showing, other changed details like title). Should show you if it was previously listed in another Ad as well by address.

"You don't have to throw me out mate, I'll walk out and let our PR team explain to the man upstairs why their invited guests never got past the doorman"

Had the same thing happen to me, car rear ended me and pushed into car in front. Car behind declared bankruptcy so car in front sued. My insurer said it was an intimidation tactic by their insurer so I would put pressure on my insurer. Result ended up being scanned and sent my insurer everything, their lawyers went to a hearing and the other guy ended up paying my insurers legal fees.

This happened to me, except 4 cars and I was the first to be rear ended. Long story short my insurer said it tends to be each car claims from the one behind for their car + any in front, and it all falls on the guy who did the initial crash. Long story - initial car declares bankruptcy, the car in front of me starts some bulshit intimidation tactics with their insurer and sues me. My insurer handled it and 3 years later went to a hearing and was thrown out with the other guy paying my insurers legal fees.

Got mine from Kogan, delivered on Friday and been a great experience so far - playing New Vegas for the first time. What’s your first game play?

Added Fixed WIdth SQL Export.

Aded Sheldon TblZOCOrderImport scripts.

1.5 years into mortgage, 78% at last refinance.

Love the idea of Peter Capaldi as Uncle Andrew, really keen for a Magician's Nephew movie.

Halfmen of O series by Maurice Gee.

My favourite books growing up, I know it’s a very remote chance but had to throw it in the pot :p

We bought a house Nov 2022 - initially they were very prompt with valuing the property in the cooling off period (3 days) - but this was probably the only thing they did well.

  • We had our deposit money in ubank at the time
  • When cooling off ended, we struggled to get a hold of them to increase our limit for transferring the deposit
    • We were on hold for hours, with an additional issue where iPhones were being cut off after an hour and fifteen minutes
    • Finally one of my team who kindly called in, had customer service answer after one hour and forty-five minutes.
  • We then had the same issue come settlement, we were advised by our broker and solicitor to transfer the remaining deposit into a trust - we simply couldn't do it because we couldn't reach the bank via phone.
    • Even requesting my broker to go through their ubank contact, who then reached out to me directly, couldn't get it sorted or have any sway over increasing the limit.
    • In the end, we recieved a janky word document from our broker we completed and signed allowing ubank's solicitor to pull the funds directly from our account (why this wasn't thought of initially is beyond me)
  • The last straw - after settlement (which went fine apart from the above), I recieved the "welcome to ubank" email with the information about our loan, the repayments, and the account the repayments would be pulled from. This account wasn't ours, i.e. not mine or my wifes, or shared between us - it was completely random. I'm glad we caught it as we would have either been repaying the loan with someone else's funds, or failed to make payment - neither appealing.

We refinanced with CBA about 60 days after as they valued the property higher and got into an LVR that meant a better rate entirely.

I should comment on one other thing - I believe at the time ubank was undergoing some kind of merge with another bank causing all kinds of havoc which I think is why we couldn't get through. Still though, stressed to the max during that time and wouldn't go back.

Tried pushing in January and wouldn’t budge, will try again though cheers

We got the Diamond black one - would have been April/May last year - I think they mentioned they were retiring the range of credit cards the following June so we got in just in time.
The package gave us the better rate, multiple offsets and "free" on any of the credit cards so we just went with the one that gave us the most bonuses.

6.15% with CBA, < 80% LVR.
Got their "Wealth Package" with a good credit card deal, also keen to stick with a big bank (with branches) as had a nightmare time with ubank.

None sorry, I just assumed it’s True HD, most of the time switching to bluray for content now as well.