It's fine and understandable to be annoyed and bummed out. Especially if you have made a special effort.

It is not fine to use that to justify coercion and certainly not assault.

They will do yes. Just be sure to check in with your instructors about it.

Even amongst non commonwealth personnel there are plenty of "Navy Orphans" who don't really have a family to go back to.

I'm not 100%, but you'll probs go into the holdover accom for leave, then rejoin your normal accommodation once training resumes.

You'll go into "holdover".

You'll move out of the phase 1 accom. You'll have some.duties to perform but won't have too much to do until phase 2 begins.

I live in a Con Lib swing seat. In the far end of Cornwall.

Lab ran a paper candidate from Manchester.

There's a way through.

Consider that money as foreign aid to Rwanda.

Throw that cash that would have been used on foreign aid into the defence budget.


Taxpayers cash sorted and Labour are already part way to their manifesto commitment of 2.5% gdp on defence.

Not bad for a first week!

ROI manages that by being corporate tax haven which contributes nothing to shared security. That skews their gdp per person. Not a good template, especially when ROI is there nearby and already more established in being the "Scumbag Steve" of Europe.

Their issues for the average person are in some areas worse.

The support for independence in the abstract is similar.

Amongst many people who are ostensibly pro indy it's importance has dropped. So even amongst many of them the SNPs ignorance of more important issues could be a turn off

It was a stupid policy anyway.

Succeed and Westminster ignores it and downplays.

Fail and they'll say "well that's twice in ten years. Put it to bed for another quarter century."

What happened is they failed spectacularly.

There is no win condition. Even the best case scenario is a continuation of the status quo. This is about as far from the best case scenario as it gets.

One Nation Tory - Rory Stewart is my Prince.

If we want to keep it foreign policy style throw it at the defence budget.

Boom, you're now part way towards meeting the 2.5% gdp manifesto commitment there also.

Not bad for a first day.

Hunts efforts genuinely and quickly stabilised things after Trussonomics. That does count for something.

One Nation Tory - Rory Stewart is my Prince.

Count it towards the foreign aid spend gdp also.

Mordaunts vote held up a lot better than most other constituencies too with perhaps the exception of Jeremy Hunt.

lo fi boriswave beats to relax/get brexit done to

At the moment they have very much seized the centre ground. The same could be said of Labour in 1997, but not all things last.

lo fi boriswave beats to relax/get brexit done to

That's why the Tories would be wise to tack back to the centre.

As millennials approach their 50's they'll need a different hand. They'll likely become "centrist Dad" and as the Labour government goes on and gets tired as all governments do, that middle ground will be fertile.

Cornwall - United Kingdom

Indeed Mordaunt being a Tory is no surprise.

One Nation Tory - Rory Stewart is my Prince.

David Lammy - "William Hague was an effective foreign secretary"


Cornwall - United Kingdom

I want Mordaunt to retain her seat. She's a sensible centrist type with personal cachet. If she becomes LOTO they'll not rush off to the far right and the UK will hopefully avoid the far right surge Europe has recently seen 10 to 15 years from now.

One Nation Tory - Rory Stewart is my Prince.

My worry about that has eased a little.

131 is an absolute kicking for sure, but the lower end of the polls would have all but forces the Tories to merge with reform. 131 gives a chance for the one-nation types to retake control at least.

Voting for your incumbent because you like them as an MP is entirely legitimate.

One Nation Tory - Rory Stewart is my Prince.

410 Predicted. My sweepstake bet for Lab 404 is very much on the cards.

Think of it as a Navy Frigate vs it's Embarked helicopter.

HMS Kent can deploy for months at a time with weeks in between port stops. Her crew keeps her going at sea. Maintained on the go with crew trained in damage control.

She has a helicopter on board. That helicopter gets maintained between flights and provides real capability to the ship. But it has limitations and can only fly for hours at a time. It will need to come down for maintenance regularly.

The same in Star Citizen. Big ships have big legs. Smaller ships are much more limited in range and endurance, but likewise can act as force multipliers. Both have their place.

An Idris with an embarked hornet tracker could likely keep tabs on an enemy ship long before it knew it was there. Think of maritime AEW aircraft like Hawkeye or Merlin in service with NATO.