:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:


:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Yeah this mostly comes down to your hand size and grip type. Tons of good gaming mice, if you choose the wrong for u though u will regret. That said anything people suggest here would be better than a standard office mouse lol

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

I thought the same thing after the first 15 minutes of this video, how could anyone watch this shit ? lol
I love chiv and thats as far as I made it.
As for the dueling thing well yeah, duelers are the ones that figure out all the goofy ass exploits and animation abuse in these types of games that eventually leads to their death. These games are amazing until uber basement dwellers finally put the nails in the coffin.

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

If you are in north america this is literally four hours of nothing burger. We barely even have hackers over here. Griefers and ffa yeah some but not like the plague europe apparently experiences lol weird how american chivalry players don't suffer these massive issues. Torn banner still some turds though

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Most likely particles or ambient something can't remember the name right now. 

 Basically max= more dense and over the top particle effects which is what sparks are 

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Subjective? The irony of this is astounding considering you always speak as if your opinions are straight fact and weighed above all others. I say there's room for variety, you say we must adhere like a hive mind.  A boring soulless hive mind. 

 Deadliest warrior likely died quickly not because of its content in and of itself but simply because C:MW was already seeing a massive fall off before it launched. Interest had waned in what was already a niche game with limited marketing and terrible animation abuse.

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

You really lack the ability to conceptualize joy and/or fun don't you?

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

What an odd thing lol

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

can you explain this?

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

I recently started using javelins. So much better than a bow. I don't feel like a squishy fuck waiting to die and I can fight on the Frontline with the ability to chunk ur ass from distance as well. I love it, can't believe I waited this long to give it a fair shake

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Still the developers fault for not implementing control schemes at the very least or button mapping. Lazy.
A lot of people expect controller to be able to keep up with pc because of all these cross platform battle royales that give controller players built in aimbots lol

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

This is incorrect. What you're describing is actually how to drag a stab, moving backwards also slows down its time to connect. The simple way to accelerate a stab? Walk forward lol

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Portculis needs rebalanced for real. Unless attacking team is absolutely rolling them defenders win always.

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

There is no way these guys just got together and did this organically. Has to be a squad/party lol

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Welcome the "initiative. Lol

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Yeah thats because theres guys out there that are determined to do the objective with the catapult and no way else. They have decided their team is worthless and they will blow that door open at all costs. Should you be trying to do the objective or fight the enemies near it....oh well you're all going sky high...over and over again.

Might as well not even be near those types of objectives because the catapult guys are gonna sling them rocks at it till it opens up lol learned this the hard way

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

I say this all the time. Shouldn't have got in my way. I'm determined to get that kill. If you happen to stick your head in the way of it *shrugs* oh well buddy

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Ya'll can downvote me all you want. reason: Cognitive dissonance

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Here's an idea. Accept the fact that objective mode is open warfare. Be aware of your surroundings at all time and play like you are in a war because thats how it is. Good positioning and awareness alone will take your kd way up lol. Just because you get tunnel visioned fighting one guy in a war, no one has sympathy for you. If you want to improve 1v1 go to duel servers

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Everything you've said here is right on point.

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

It's this. More often than not one team has 200 kills more than the other. People purposely stack. Hell the game seems to purposely stack teams all by itself.  

Playing defense isn't fun unless you have a really good team that plays it intelligently which rarely ever happens. 

 Attack is designed to win 90 percent of objectives easily but then be stalled out on one particular objective. You see maps often play out the exact same way many many times.

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

I do pretty well in duels. Are there some people that can kick my ass? Yes. I'm better than like 75% though. 

Everybody in this thread got it twisted. I'm talking about a very few rare players I encounter every now and again, and I promise you these mfers will kill you too lmao.

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

I mean yeah man common sense dictates that the dagger would just get knocked out of your hand or worse. Concessions are obviously made for the sake of video games. They need to be fun primarily. My problem is when games are made complex in ways that don't adhere to any sense reality just for the sake of depth. This is obviously a very personal opinion.

Chiv's design draws you in with its low skill floor but keeps you chasing its high skill ceiling. Mordhau doesn't give you dopamine right away. Chiv is still far from a perfect game and the more you play it the more you see its cracks as well.

Mostly what I'm complaining about I guess is i wish there were more accessible to get into melee genre games in general. The pvp market is absolutely flooded with fps and sorely lacks variety.

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

What I'm saying is ...let's say i counter a slash and i sling it in a 360 stabs and overhead will still hit me just about every damn time. Like i think you have to literally perfectly time blocking all these strikes with the counter swing to make it happen, while spinning in a circle. Idk man I guess I just can't wrap my head around how humans get so fucking insanely good at things lol

:agatha: Agatha Knights | Knight :knight:

Problem with this is I am usually always in the top 3 every game. A lot of the time top of the board. I counter pretty damn good too but I'm not gonna sit there and literally sling my character in 360s constantly, even when I do my slash counter on noobs it doesn't stop a guy from overheading me at the same time. That shit never works. These guys act like they got a fucking force field around them or something lmao

Imagine trying that fucking hard. Not to mention this wasn't supposed to be a thing remember? lol wasn't it one of the selling points of the game?