There is nothing worse than laying in complete darkness just thinking about life, and then hearing your dog licking something

My go to when someone assumes im hitting on them is laughing and saying "yeah right like i have a chance with you" ive done it once because i rarely talk with women

A friend of mine became trans and started talking about transition goals and such and the one day while we were walking together he stops me and says "i know i often talk about transition goals but you are genuinely my goals you have a nice body and you are an actual achievable goal" idk it was strange and also one of the first complements i had gotten in years so i felt great about myself for a day or two.

Right now i have very long hair and a short beard im trying to grow a long beard before i shave my head

Except when i say im ugly everyone agrees even myself

My mom laughing at me because i didnt know a term in the kitchen, my mom later that day crying because she broke her expensive glasses and hurt her head when she tried to drill a hole in some wood...

Its not strong or "tough" its hard. It's harder than most steel but just like glass its brittle, where something like rubber is super soft but if you throw it on the ground it dosent break, thats why we use steel for hammers and armour its very hard but also very tough so when you hit it it bends instead of breaking, and when it comes to metal working most cutting tools are made from tungsten and most hammering tools are made from steel or even brass.

"always!... no never! Eat yellow snow"

... My water has started to taste weird... Where do i live?

Sturgeon name of my favorite universe

The problem with just searching on google is sometimes its very hard to phrase questions the right way or you have a very specific problem that other peoplenhave delt with but its specific enough that its not anywhere to find on google, not to mention advise from a bunch of real people that you can then ask for follow up questions usually saves the hassle of a lot of work, right now im in the middle of a car project on a car that changed design in 2003 became extremely popular so now ehen you search for the name of the car the newer model comes up so you have to search for the specific model type which the majority of people dont bother writing so it only shows like 60% of the results, so either i comb through thousands of newer car models to find not only the specific problem i have but also on the right car, or i can only see a small majority of the right model car.

Fuckin me! I want that i dont care if its tacky, right now im restoring an old fiat panda and im genuinely wondering whether or not i should put in pink seats

Ja det er meget trist men kæft det kunne være sjovt at se ole spille den her totalt nede til jorden kriminelle hitman

I think its very easy to seem autistic and other mental disorders but i think were just the first generation, who can truely express ourself my mom wants me to get educated and travel the world ive been in several countries and i love my job so i dont get why i should spend so much money and time on an education im not gonna use and going to places i have seen a million times, and for the record ive seen the eiffel tower and thought when i saw it was "eh ive seen it before" the only trips ive actually enjoyed are the ones where we just relaxed went out to eat with nice amd consistant weather, and that one time i went to scotland to hunt i loved it there but i play the bagpipes and love scotland so that makes sense

The question shouldnt be what i put my dick in rather what i put in my dick