Yeah that's still not giving me any peace because what on God's green earth do bro search for to find this...


This is the only time in my god damn life I ever felt patriotic 🤣

I’m in your walls, Ethan.


Contrarians are a dime a dozen and still somehow always think they have some remarkable rare as rocking horse shit mind.

I’m in your walls, Ethan.

She was just in a silly goofy mood I guess...🤷‍♀️

I’m in your walls, Ethan.

I can't remember who the hell it was, but there is a comedian that talks about how you can make offensive jokes but the payoff has to be greater than the offense someone would feel by hearing it. So you can make jokes about whatever you want, but you have to actually have some tact and insightfulness rather than just expecting people to laugh for you because you said a mean statement.

I don't know shit about Mikayla so I didn't know all of this.

She mentioned the girl has kids which leads me to believe IF she stole the stuff it was for her own kids. It's shitty and I get being annoyed if she stole the stuff, but I'd be more sad that a mother felt she had to steal those items to provide them for her kids. I hate how she acts like this person was personally stealing from her when really it's Instacart that is going to take the loss. She named the girl and showed her picture knowing how the internet is for what was essentially an inconvenience. She is at least financially well off enough to have a family vacation home so it's just really fucked up to me to name the other woman and show a pic of her who likely stole the items to give to her own kids because she couldn't afford to buy them outright (again, that's IF she stole. if she didn't this is even more fucked up). She could have done this whole thing without naming her and let Instacart sort it out.

It's empty threats. Defamation shirt are notoriously hard to win and cost a lit of money. I also suspect he would not want to go through the discovery phase lol

I’m in your walls, Ethan.

Sorry but my Spidey senses tingle whenever there's an opportunity to say fuck Mark Wahlberg so FUCK MARK WAHLBERG's racist jabroni ass. Thank you for the opportunity and have a lovely day lol

I’m in your walls, Ethan.

I feel like Joe Rogan still believes Santa Claus is real and no one has the heart to break the bad news to him.

appreciate ya for being respectful and willing to listen. We may not agree on everything, but I understand your perspective and wish more people online could just have conversations and be fucking normal like this instead of being contrarian assholes who need to argue with people like they need to breathe air.

Yeah I don't know too much about Frogan. I've seen her pop up a few times and sometimes I like the content and sometimes it's just annoying. I do think that whether she was an asshole or not, Ethan has been on youtube for so long and has such a huge audience that he should be more responsible with. It sounds like I'm being unfair and I guess it is, but I feel like that's the nature of being successful and having a lot of fans. Like with the Jake Doolittle situation, I had never heard of Jake before that and honestly thought the video was lame, but I feel like any normal adult in Ethan's position would just laugh at it and keep it moving. The fans went over to his girlfriend's page and harassed her too asking if they were related or inbred. They harass Kavanaugh's ex-wife. It's fine if Ethan wants to call someone out for being an asshole to him, but it seems kind of malicious to do it over something so dumb knowing your audience of literally millions is going to inundate this person and anyone even tangentially related to them and say the most vile shit to them, send them death threats, etc for who knows how fucking long. It sends the message that he can not be criticized or he will send his fanbase after you. I mean he was steady posting screenshots of random redditors with their names visible as well as showing them on the pod which is most definitely reckless and malicious.

Ok I'm going to pause and go get a coffee. Clearly it's going to be a long night. Just the intro sounded like a rant I'd make before I got sober and I mean that as the highest compliment. It literally sounds like me ranting about the grisly ramifications, body horror and bloodcurdling reoccurring joke about a guy's wife fucking all of Aerosmith in the 1994 film Junior with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito.

I still have nightmares about this horrific Tiktok I made about it

I have been working on a new art piece all day and need something to listen to so thank you for this. You had me at Lovecraftian.

I get what you're saying, but I disagree. I was a paying member for a while and canceled after the second Hasan stream. I don't think you're necessarily wrong, but just wanted to add context for others.

H3 fans bitch a lot, but they also coddle the shit out of Ethan. He initially had a shit take and said some things that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but we also understood he has ties to Israel and so he was understandably emotional at the time. People tried to have civil discussions with him and let him know why we were upset. He dug his heels in time and time again. The second Hasan stream he did Hasan knew he was going through it and tried to get him to have that discussion off stream because he knew it was a bad idea. Ethan compared "from the river to the sea" to the confederate flag and had the infamous "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" moment. I get people said horrible shit to him, but don't feel that all of it was unwarranted.

When Aaron Bushnell died Ethan said he was "really good at burning alive." I don't think (or at least I'd like to hope) that Ethan isn't intentionally spewing Zionist propaganda, but whether he knows he is or not that's what he's been doing consistently since October. He latched onto the first hospital bombing because he felt he had a win, but hasn't spoken about it since or retracted the beheaded babies shit he pushed. He also never corrected himself when him AND Hila said that sexual violence against Palestinians does not happen. He has said "Palestine has been talked about enough." If anyone tries to confront him he calls them antisemitic. He quit twitter after he said that some dude would be killed by Hamas for being gay and a sex worker only to now post stories on IG where he REGULARLY posts screenshots without usernames blocked out so hordes of H3 fans go harass whoever he points them in the direction of. I think it's funny how much be bitched and expected Hasan to be able to control every single person in his audience when he regularly weaponizes his.

We are all human. We all have shit takes sometimes. My issue was never that. If you aren't able to absorb new information or hear criticism (let alone do better) and respond consistently by digging your heels in, then that's not someone I want to support and I hope people in my own life would hold me to that same standard.

Ethan is so set on being the victim without ever realizing that the person he is a victim of the most is his god damn self.

So I, along with my family and anyone who has known me for longer than five minutes, have long suspected I have autism since I was a kid but haven't made the investment to get diagnosed because at this point in my life I don't think a diagnosis would necessarily even do anything for me. I do go to regular therapy though with a trauma specialist and when I spoke to her about it she told me that CPTSD/PTSD that develops in childhood can manifest very similarly to autism. I HAD NO IDEA, but so much makes sense now.

I’m in your walls, Ethan.

She influenced people to find better content creators. How kind!

I’m in your walls, Ethan.

"Why does it lie?"