I'd be like, "Mom, dad, can we move to district 25? 27? Why this cursed district 26"? 😆

I (M58) wouldn't be could dead dying my hair. I do trim it short on the sides (the gray), but it grows in. I'm not hiding it. My wife (F54) colors her hair. I suggested she let it go gray, but she would have nine of that. I think gray hair looks attractive on a woman. I still have a good amount of hair and a modest amount of gray, but I will never shave it bald. I can take whatever nature gives me, I'm Gen-X.

Nah, with no laugh track, some people didn't know it was funny. They didn't understand the humor, and a very funny show didn't get extended past the original 6 episodes. According to an ABC executive, "the viewer had to watch it in order to appreciate it." Wow! Who would have thought you'd actually have to WATCH a TV show to enjoy it. Maybe idiot America was too busy watching Joanie Love Chachi and The Love Boat to pay attention?

Yes, I remember listening to WINS in NYC for winter weather school closings. They would run through all the surrounding counties school districts: Closed, Closed, Closed. Then, what no kid wanted to hear from December through February, "All New York City schools are open." So, grab your book bag, grab your lunch, and get to school.

That's how it usually went, except for 1978. But with every fresh batch of flakes, there was new hope.

I came here to say this, and what a crime it was for Police Squad! to be canceled after 6 episodes.

I see it this way: I didn't survive the 1980s, and all the shit I put in my body only to check out at my age, 58. No, I'm in pretty good physical health, not just for my age, I've still got a couple of marbles clinking around upstairs. I want to live til my 80s and beyond, who knows. Sure, the country and the world are in a weird place right now. You know what? Shut the TV off. Go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature, if you can. At your age, you probably grew up and played outside and were physically healthy as a kid. If that's changed a bit, do something about it. I'm going on the bike right now.

We fought the other neighborhood kids with whatever we could find. Snowballs in winter, "itchy balls" from the sweet gum tree, acorns, rocks, dirt bombs,. Sticks and stones really did break bones, sometimes.

Nah, not really. I'm 58, and I still don't feel very mature. At work, I try to be, but some see through that veneer. Also, would an adult be wasting his time on Saturday morning on his phone, reading Reddit, when there's work to be done? Probably not. You do you.

Yes, the "sorry" gave it away. And yes, we are fucked up, AND fucked!

Yeah, I know, now. 😆. Also, does budging in line mean to cut the line? I've never heard of that expression.

I remember Bush Sr.

101.5 hasn't been good since Ray Rossi. That fuckstick Carton was a dick to Ray and I'm glad that piece of shit went to jail for his crimes.

I'll switch on during my morning commute to hear what that asshole Spadea has to say. When my knuckles turn white on my steering wheel, I usually turn back to WNYC 93.9.

Are Dennis and Judy still on? I don't listen during midday. They were too far right racist for me. No thanks.

Afternoon commute with Deminski and whoever: it got redundant. They would regurgitate the same old horseshit. Enough already. Yes, there IS a Central Jersey. What's the best pizza? Have you ever met a celebrity? Whatever idiotic topics Deminski would dream up. I gave up on them and the station in general.

I'll listen to the aforementioned WNYC. Howard Stern rebroadcasts, various podcasts. Hell, I'd even listen to 20 year old Ron and Fez shows on YouTube. Anything is better than the dreck 101.5 calls a radio show these days.

My parents once packed me and my 3 siblings into the VW camper to go run an errand. It was summer, I was 11, and they left 3 rambunctious boys and my sister all alone on an urban street, windows closed. We were roughhousing and having fun. I remember taking my shirt off and a river of sweat pouring down my chest. None of the passersby seemed to care. If you try that nowadays, you'd never see your kids again.

I'm not sure if it's a sitcom, but Acapulco on Apple TV is very funny.

Not to each other, not to their kids. Well, my father never said it at all. My mom said it to my youngest brother, who looks like her, and is the only one of her children whom she likes. When I was old enough to realize, that's really messed up. She really fucked us up. Ironically, my youngest brother is the one who's the least socially developed. I say it to my kids always.

Beer run, but all must pony up chump change found in your pockets, seat cushions, and returnable bottles. Bonus points if you can find Budweiser 8 pack of nips!

Seeing your work, I can agree with your husband. It looks mildly infuriating, and yet, I think I wanna try this the next time I fire up the grill!

I've never heard that. When we got married, I told my wife she didn't have to take my last name, but she did.

Kickstands? We don't need no stinking kickstands!

1965-1975 pull tab

Is the reason they were discontinued was because Jimmy Buffett blew out his flip-flop and stepped on a pop top? Hmmmm...

I'm the guy who's not living his best life.

Male, 58. My first marriage was from 1992-2009. I have 2 grown kids from my first wife. I'm on my second marriage now since 2011. I have an 11 year old son, and except for him, I wouldn't have made that decision to get married a second time. I'm currently contemplating a second divorce, but it would cost too much to start that again, especially at my age. I do feel that I'm not as happy at home as I am at work, and that's kinda sad. But, I digress...

Take my advice, don't do it. Next year, you'll be 50 and hopefully in shape financially to live your best life as a free man!