Yep. And a message was sent with their convictions. Thats one reason why I don’t see a repeat of Jan 6 happening. Another is that Biden won’t shy away from force to put down a second insurrection.

And lastly, if Trump tries to start shit again he’ll find it’s a lot harder to incite a riot when his permit isn’t granted and he’s under surveillance.

I say “for the exact same reason you don’t believe the so called pagan gods exist.” Because gods dont exist.

Well based on my companies anti corruption classes, this is the very definition of quid pro quo. In fact this is even more blatant that the example given in class. And thd “I was just joking” defense doesn’t apply.

So why is it only a possibility that DOJ is interested?

You know here in the United States “thoughts and prayers” is now a way of saying “F- -k you”. Maybe Europe should send theirs.

A few years back I was in “training” for a new software package and that was the training.

Judging by the comments, and my own thoughts on the matter, there are lots of people who think he should testify.

What is with this idiots who think they have a chance to be Trump’s veep pick?

Got news for little Marco, Trump’s not going to pick you because you’re not white and you have presidential ambitions.

If you find the ex president guilty of a crime he committed you could be next!

Me! However that is only my opinion, and I’d share by no one else.

Did I ever tell you about my aunt’s bunion? My good it was the bigggest bunion I’d ever scene. You know a bunion is don’t you? Bunions are…

I am happy with the way my life has turned out. I read two quotes 40 years ago that I took to heart and let guide me.

“You have a brush, you have paint, you paint your paradise and in you go.” Nikos Kazantzakis

“Don’t get to the end of your life and realize you have never lived.” Thoreau

Your hubby is absolutely correct. As a Texan I can attest that chili doesn’t have beans!

Granite, Putin turns to stone nobody notices because he’s been dead for months and a Putin look alike has been running the show.

Ah’ll be back, around two-ish if that works for you, if not we can reschedule for Thursday! Have your people call my people! Ciao!

Granted you are now 10% luckier than the average person. Of course, it’s all bad luck.

Once the blade is drawn it can’t not be sheathed again until it slakes its thirst for….. Orange Julius!