To cold here for Bamboo... Don't forget the mint seeds on their lawns with other weeds though, just as an icing

My excess mint is dead.... The bind keeps coming back

Oh for the good old days, when you could leave your three year old at home while you went off to the coal mine... I mean if they were four they could be working alongside you.

Hire an arborist, talk to a lawyer and get a survey.


Before that talk to your neighbour to see how they feel about the tree, you might get away with knocking the tree down...

Definitely get an arborist to have a look and talk about what you want to do

"oh dear, that bag ripped and a piece of luncheon meat seems to have fallen on your paint and bin juice is leaking into your vents"

Most of the time, it'll generate a taco truck... Sometimes it'll generate a burger stand and very rarely a candy floss artist.

Turn around and walk five paces while repeating this mantra...

"God, I'd kill for a taco and I'm sure the truck was just here"

After that turn around and the truck should have appeared, don't say anything about the slight fuzziness around it, that'll disappear in a minute or two as the inter-dimensional focus singularity tunes itself to your location better.

That's rather funny... Be even funnier if there was one particular blend that they came back to you for

Totally thought this was going to end up with you having a lobster dinner.

A younger me's thought patterns...

Vanilla smells great.

Vanilla tastes great.

Vanilla extract comes in a small bottle.

Lemonade syrup smells great.

Lemonade syrup tastes great when watered down.

Lemonade syrup tastes even better unwatered down.

Vanilla extract must also taste better undiluted!

Spend time looking at small bottle.

Gives in and takes a swig.

Can confirm that unlike lemonade syrup vanilla extract tastes much much better diluted!

We're not even going to talk about the corn flour incident.

Until said letter arrives... Relax, don't worry about it. When it does arrive, hit the group up with an update.

Why borrow tomorrow's worries when they might not even exist?

As a chronic over tightener I approve. While I don't do it on purpose but have been shown many times the deformation I cause in bottle tops and jar lids when I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing, it sounds like your ex goes out of their way to do this.

Not me, but I had a situation where I was looking after a small bundle... If that bundle stopped it's snuffling breathing throughout the night I'd instantly be awake, watching the clock and listening intently for next snuffly breath... If it woke up and cried/made noise? Wouldn't even stir, drove me and partner nuts.

Don't do what I just did and miss the R in wrench when you do that search... OMG, I don't think I'll ever recover

That unlocked the memory of taking the ball out of the mice to clean the crud off them. Time consuming, freaking annoying but oddly satisfying as long as it was not part of detention.