Go to shows and become a regular face at your local scene. When the time is right, talk about your music.

God help us all if it escapes.

The game lately is to find the non bot in the comments section.

Did you believe them when they told you we had a democracy to lose?

It's formulaic music aimed at commercial sales and nothing more. The Hallmark of music.


It has lots of quality of life fixes for some of the controls and gameplay mechanics.

By definition, none of the songs mentioned here.

Windows down still feels great at night time.

He might not even be anti zionist or anti Israel.

It either means he didn't want their money or his opponent was already on their payroll.

I got too old for bright hair when my hair fell out.

Damaging a shield does not give kill credit (or stop recalls).

That said, even if the claw did no damage, the displacement does count toward kill credit.