NTA, but if he tells you to stop, then you need to stop.

If I were you I would have asked beforehand if he needed help, but even then, I think he could've spoken to you in a more respectful way to explain why he doesn't like you doing this for him.

I don't care what other comments say, it's rare to find people who're willing to do small gestures like this, and although it might have come off wrong, I think it's sweet.

I don't think either of you guys are the asshole, I think there's something you both could have done. Him talking to you a bit more respectfully, and you asking him if he needed help beforehand.

So NTA, but both could've done things differently.

I ignore the thing or the person who angered me. I know this sounds toxic as fuck, but if I keep talking, I will say things I'll regret. So it's better to step away, change your mind and ideas, then when you're ready, go back to talking. Usually when I go back for a second talk, I'm still frustrated, but I've calmed down enough to deal with the person/situation.

Well.. people wouldn't be able to sell anything in stores, some of the ex-workers may end up homeless, others jobless.

If we're just talking about TLOU and not TLOU2, then David otherwise... Abby is..

Cheese curds dipped in barbeque sauce

And I never eat lots at a time

While I agree he shouldn't tell him to cover up, telling him he hates his own body because of it is a bit much. To me it looked like he was looking out for his brother more than anything. Please be kind on the internet.

From what I understand, the cordyceps originally came from potentially the flour that they baked goods with (from watching the HBO series and theories on YT), and if I'm not wrong, there usually isn't flour in domestic pets' food.. and/or, the infecteds eat them before they have a chance to fight back?

I remember in the second game when they ate a deer (i totally forgot if it was a deer or another animal), it genuinely looks like they just eat them and move on. It may be from their poor defense against them, seeing as humans have guns...

This is just my thinking though, I could totally be completely wrong.

Well... it's not the cure, but it has its benefits. Not entirely false, but 100% not entirely true either.

While I do prefer equality over survival of the fittest... this is...💀

As a bisexual woman, I am removing myself from the community. I decided from now on, I am straight and homophobic. Have a good day.

I totally agree. I believe feminism was necessary until the whole movement turned towards an extreme. Now, it's all about women ruling the world.

Coming from a woman, you look fine. You need to work on that confidence, and to change your own incel way of thinking.

Being a virgin at 17 is seriously not that dramatic, I'm a virgin at 18, and I'm proud of it.

From what I'm understanding with this more in-depth post, you need therapy. A good therapist will help you see the world differently. That's all I'm going to say.

I refuse. You're entitled to your own opinions, you're perfectly capable of doing your own research and coming up with your own conclusions. This subreddit is to post incels being incels, not for incels themselves to try and get attention.

My advice is that you just don't be one, because the women who go don't care about men's looks will care about your personality. And from this post alone, I can tell it's nothing very valuable.

Hope you find this helpful!

So like... can he do like... vaginal and anal...sex at the same time?

Lent and The Sailor's Song are soooo good. But I could never figure out what that second one is about.

Holy shit...Watch them come back the minute a girl looks at them with a smile. They'll suddenly have something extra positive to say and a boner to accompany their words.

Oh this poor poor innocent soul..