You may have many mermaid children.

SAME!! I have been going to/working at a church for the last 6 years but internally processing lots of deconstruction. This church (Christian Church Disciples of Christβ€”sounded like a cult when I first started) has been very healing. The denomination does not have a unifying creed, so congregations vary WIDELY but there are some lovely, inclusive churches like mine out there.

June 1, 2024

πŸŸͺ🟧🟧 (0πŸ…) 🟦🟧🟧🟩🟧🟧 (0πŸ…) πŸŸͺ🟦🟧🟧🟩 (-2πŸ†)

Rare words used: 2 🩢

Score: -2 πŸ† https://craftword.game/

I primarily call my son Biggle… as in β€œyou used to be an ittle bittle baby, now you’re an iggle biggle boy!” It just happened one day and now my brain is stuck.

May 31, 2024

🟧🟧 (-1πŸ†) 🟩🟦🟩🟧🟦 (0πŸ…) πŸŸͺ🟧🟦🟩🟧🟧 (-1πŸ†)

Rare words used: 3 🩢

Score: -2 πŸ† https://craftword.game/

May 30, 2024

πŸŸͺ🟧🟧 (0πŸ…) 🟧🟧🟦🟩🟧 (0πŸ…) 🟦🟦🟧🟧🟩 (-2πŸ†)

Rare words used: 1 🩢

Score: -2 πŸ† https://craftword.game/

I feel you! It’s really hard for me not to film a video right after practicing because I’m excited about it. But the reality is, your actual video will go much more smoothly after you’ve allowed some of that practice to settle in. If you’re currently doing 45 minutes of practice and then filming, for example, you might do 45 minutes of practice one day, take a day off of that song, then do 15 minutes of run throughs and record your video the next day. More practice will always help, but that’s a decently efficient work flow once you get a good rotation of songs you’re practicing. You could still put out a video every day, but now you’ve got more practice behind it.

That’s the only thing that works for me right now! He’s freshly 2 and has been in this phase for a few weeks, but the β€œthreat” of β€œmama do it?” usually gets him moving.

May 28, 2024

🟧🟧πŸŸͺ (0πŸ…) 🟩🟦🟩🟧 (-1πŸ†) πŸŸͺ🟧🟧🟧 (-1πŸ†)

Rare words used: 3 🩢

Score: -2 πŸ† https://craftword.game/

Because they have guerrilla marketers making posts like this to get their name spread even further!

I don’t know what you’re smoking with regard to Cory Wong’s horn section… maybe in one specific performance, but my friends in their 20s and 30s play with him frequently.

I actually do agree with you in a weird wayβ€”my husband is a session player in Nashville and his mentor typically gets section leader with section leader pay, yet consistently shows up unprepared and sounding clearly past his prime. He is not leading the section, makes jokes about his lack of preparation/number of mistakes, yet takes more pay. I think if you’re knowingly doing a mediocre job, you should back off section leader pay. But if you’re playing good enough (I think most of the folks you’re referring to are good enough) no one owes young people their gig.

May 27, 2024

🟧🟦πŸŸͺ (0πŸ…) 🟩πŸŸͺ🟧🟧 (-1πŸ†) πŸŸͺ🟦🟧🟧🟧🟦 (-1πŸ†)

Rare words used: 2 🩢

Score: -2 πŸ† https://craftword.game/

This is so sad it just un-cured my depression

I know this is extreme but that always makes me feel like β€œshare? That would imply ownership. You and husband’s parents both have visiting privileges.” With certain people it just reflects such a sense of entitlement.

May 26, 2024

🟦πŸŸͺ (-1πŸ†) 🟩🟧🟦🟩 (-1πŸ†) 🟦🟦🟧🟧🟦πŸŸͺ🟧 (0πŸ…)

Rare words used: 4 🩢

Score: -2 πŸ† https://craftword.game/

I wouldn’t bring it up now. Even good MILs can be reactive when things are addressed head-on. I would basically just plan for minimal interaction between MIL and your future children, never unsupervised, and if she ever offers, you can say, β€œno thank you.” You don’t owe her any further explanation, and trying to reason with an unreasonable person can just cause unnecessary stress and frustration.

May 25, 2024

🟧πŸŸͺ (-1πŸ†) 🟦🟧πŸŸͺ🟧 (-1πŸ†) 🟦🟧🟧🟧🟩🟩🟩 (0πŸ…)

Rare words used: 2 🩢

Score: -2 πŸ† https://craftword.game/

You may have many mermaid children.

I’m really struggling to get through this video (on YewTube, of course) but goodness gracious I appreciate this Tim guy. This is really heavy, painful stuff and I love him for boxing with Paul.

May 24, 2024

πŸŸͺ🟧 (-1πŸ†) πŸŸͺ🟩🟧🟧 (0πŸ…) 🟧🟧🟧🟧πŸŸͺ (-1πŸ†)

Rare words used: 1 🩢

Score: -2 πŸ† https://craftword.game/

You may have many mermaid children.

Thank you for this because I spent several minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with the name Tess Havens πŸ˜‚

I think so! I’m from the area and I remember chatting with my nurse friend about it when Dawson was born.