my god, you are being so shortsighted. I do not even know the names of my own GRANDPARENTS. Thanks to a dna test, I have found distant relatives who could lead me to them, and lead me further back. I can assure you that I am very much into discovering my ancestry either way.

I do not think it is that deep.

The previous owner (the grandchild of the builder) could be much older than/multiple generations removed from Marky, and/or the current owner could have been been using shorthand to say that the previous owner is a however many times great-grandchild of the builder.

I do not get why people are so keen to poke holes in this story or disbelieve that these are Marky’s distant cousins. I am in the process of building mine out and family trees are wild. Let the man live.

Ancestry dot com is a multi-billion dollar company but it is a complete mystery why this person would be interested in learning more about their geneological history.

I dunno... I think it is pretty neat.

Then again I do generally Iike to let people enjoy the things that make them happy/excited without trying to assign some hidden agenda.

Why is it moronic? If the work costs less than the deductible, it makes perfect sense to pay out of pocket.

I like the green, not in love with the brown on the garage doors though.

Could you use the Knot but just tweak it for your circumstances? Genuinely asking because I do not know how it works.

lol right? I do not think I have had that many people at all my birthdays combined (and I am in my 40s).

I have been feeling a mess lately, but have been lazy about going out in the world, so I decided to give myself an at home spa day. I somehow made things worse than when I started. Pedicure: trimmed my toenails all wonky. Manicure: tore up my cuticles. Eyebrows: managed to overpluck. Facial: spent too much time with the magnifying mirror and irritated the hell out of my skin. Clearly I need to get back to letting the professionals handle these things.

On the other hand, I did successfully repot a few of my most precious but overgrown root bound houseplants and I am thrilled about that because… [vidal sassoon voice] if they don’t look good, I don’t look good.

You are getting the ads because you have interacted with their content. That is literally how algorithms work.

They are patties that are meant to be cooked from frozen.

This is how I feel exactly. By now, I usually have a clear cut favorite that I would like to see win, but no one is really standing out (with their dishes or their personalities). And the challenges have been odd for sure; I know it is not much of a “cooking” show at this point, but I still hope/expect to actually see the food and understand what went into it. I guess it all just seems kind of rushed to me (Restaurant Wars is always my favorite and it felt like they blew through it this season).

Maybe it will get a bit more serious and coherent now that it is wittled down?

Most of the time I see people commenting on Laura’s alleged “fake abs,” all I can see is someone (who really doesn’t need to) just sucking it in for photos which is… whatever. Am I insane?

I will also say that it sounds like it would cost them more to replace you then it would to retain you so I would keep on truckin’ and keep doing your best to prove that right.

So I was re-hired to my company as a fully remote employee (my boss practically begged me to come back and that was my sole caveat for doing so). A couple months after I returned, they announced they were forcing everyone back 3 days a week. I panicked, but there was fine print: anyone hired fully remote could stay fully remote. Like you, I talked to my boss and he told me not to worry, but I am keenly aware that I work for an at will employer and they could pull the rug out from under me any time. I would really have no recourse but to threaten to leave again, which of course could backfire.

To get to my point: I realized all I can do is put any concern to the far back of my mind and carry on; it is very much a “well, I will just have to cross that bridge if I ever come to it” situation. So far a year has passed without issue. Why waste the brain space with that anxiety (I have plenty of others to keep me occupied) when I may never come to it.

::steps on soapbox::

I have lived in Philadelphia for >25 years (so my entite adult existence). I love my city, even when it majorly agitates from time to time. The fear-mongering about life here is massively overblown. Like just about anywhere in the world, there are places and situations to avoid. If you managed Boston, you can manage Philly. It is what you make of it and you could have the time of your life.

I am one foot out the door now only because at this point in my life I am desperate to have a yard and a larger living space (and a driveway lol), but I will never stray too far outside because I would miss it too much. I would not trade the experiences I got to have right outside my door(s) for anything in the world.

Let me know if you want me to talk to your parents 😉

I really like the second, but agree with others - would need to see these in the context of your space to make a recommendation.

I only needed my current license and my marriage certificate, but I brought along my new social security card just in case. You can print and fill out the form beforehand or they can give you one to fill out there. It was quick and easy, despite being a bit caught off guard by the extra fee ($45; I had also just paid to renew about a month before I did the name change).

As someone with generalized depression/anxiety that is pretty well managed, I can almost understand what she was trying to say. I think she was attempting to get at the “lizard brain” concept.

Where she went awry (and why it certainly rubs the wrong way) is that she was not speaking to her personal experience/perspective, but rather she seemed to lump everyone who struggles with mental health issues, which are myriad and can be more extreme/difficult to treat, into one bucket.

And I think it was Talk of the Town before it was Ace of Steaks. Before that, well, I would need a professional cheesesteak historian to weigh in…

I ordered a couple times a couple years ago. I liked them well enough, mostly because they actually melted the cheese into the chopped steak instead of just slapping cold slices on the roll. I have of course had way better though.

I just remembered one of my orders was running super behind and the owner (at the time, whoever that was) called me personally to apologize lol

People are getting very riled up in this thread, but let’s please not lose sight of the fact that this person’s comment subtly calling out Lauren for putting her untanned foot in her mouth is genuinely very funny.

It gets an A+ two chubby thumbs up from me.