Those are just harvestmen, pretty little creatures that walk funky and eat trash

I like documenting mushrooms and whatever critter I find while traveling on motorcycle, you should get into mushrooms, funny creatures

I would be demolishing the dealership, this is common piaggio dealer experience, I’ve had problems with the service of the guzzi dealer in my area since the beginning but I knew the deal, as soon as my bike lost warranty I started doing everything myself but I had a faulty alternator that took 3 months to replace by piaggio’s warranty that I could have fixed it myself in a week. My local dealer also didn’t want to do the invoice for multiple service intervals and it was a pain in the ass to deal with in general. This sounds like average piaggio stuff, still love guzzi tho

Yes, check the reviews and reputation of the seller and it’s good, my stop light came from a Hungarian seller and it was fast, cheaper and better than buying a new one for triple the price

That’s normal with guzzis, the valves are extremely noisy, as long as it doesn’t increase or absolutely sounds like it’s going to explode you can stick to normal maintenance or shorten the time if any of the oils comes out extra dirty

Check: kickstand, killswitch, battery with a multimeter, if it starts eventually check if battery is getting recharged by alternator. Try turning it on in neutral, sometimes the kickstand sensors will get dirty and act as if the kickstand is down.


Source: fixed this one and I’ve fixed a few neglected bikes and had the same problem dismounting the rear wheel

Get a pipe and add it to the end of both your wrenches, that’s how you deal with smart mechanics who know better than the torque spec. Use the pipe to get more leverage, if that doesn’t work go for a impact wrench. That’s what I do when I have to undo stupid or when something blocks because of rust, I’ve also heated one of the parts to cause it to expand and allow some space for things to move.

Lel, I mean that it distorts the shape of the rifle very well, you should do a field test

Many parts of Mexico have banned two guys up, many proposals of law in places like Michoacan and morelia. Cartagena and many parts of Colombia has banned it actually. It’s a measure to avoid sicariato and robberies, trying to ban motochorros

Sounds like the battery, but also check if the alternator is recharging it at 3000 rpm. My v9 had the alternator fail and that would have saved me some money

You need a tw200, I live close to the mountains and have a guzzi v9 for the road and a tw200 for the mountain. For this bike i suggest you try and look for parts at webike japan or something similar and as it is a project you have to be very patient, you’ll get there eventually, always carry tools with you

Check the pipe shield, sometimes there’s also an aluminum sheet that rips or gets out of place and can make a similar noise inside between the shielding and the pipe

There’s two towns closeby, santa rosa xochiac and san mateo, santa rosa xochiac has bad people even though most people there are decent. Sometimes there are some roberies on the trails close to the river or higher parts of the mountains that are more isolated and easily accessible from santa rosa. in the weekends the area is full of visitors and it’s safe to explore whatever you want as long as you follow the trails

Hmmm, honestly you shouldn’t go alone and without a reliable form of transportation, this is coming from a guy that stays for weeks camping outside the city. As much as I hate the bigger concentration of tourists in the area I recommend you desierto de los leones: easy to follow hike trails, safe if you go on the weekends and well maintained, easy to reach authorities if something happens too. Take a bus or uber to kilometro 13 then reach la venta town and just ascend following the main road until you reach the former monastery and explore from there

Botulismo puede ser, alguna lata o alimento mal conservado en la preparación o el procesamiento del pollo, lo que no cuadra es la temporalidad.

Edit: el botulismo si puede causar disfagia, puede ser aún peor el caso si los que prepararon la comida causaron una intoxicación por toxina botulinica

Maskota vendía, pero pues ya no, busca un criadero en internet

Pollo broster, popeyes en algunos lados, food box está igual de precio que popeye. Del pollo tipo broster cualquiera puede ser bueno, solo encuentra el local que más te de confianza y tenga la mejor ensalada y puré

It’s called bufo, it’s a drug similar to ayahuasca for some people and kinda common in Mexico

I saw a documentary where a bee sues the bee industry and wins, ray liotta even attended the courtroom for interrogation