And I'm devastated šŸ˜­ I used to watch her all the time and was hoping she would come back to youtube

He does not, and will not ever, understand the love a mother feels for the tiny human she grew in her own body, for 9 months.

Maintain? Damn the ass though!

Althoufh that does sound very soothing, I cant afford to be using up all the hot water šŸ˜†

Oh yea I know this from experience, when depression is intense, showering seems like so much energy to expend

It really depends on the weather and if im going to the gym. In winter its every day or second day. In summer it's 1-2 times per day. At her age she should be showering at least every second day. Just take her aside to talk one on one, gently let her know that you can smell her and recommend she showers more often. She will probably get upset no matter what being only 18. But in the long run its better for her if you tell her.

They were probably meaning that you're curvy, you have a gorgeous figure. Definitely not big at all, but you have thick thighs in comparison to the rest of your body. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, youre doing amazing and you look amazing!

So you've graduated high school?

TheĀ sunk costĀ fallacyĀ is our tendency to continue with an endeavor we've invested money, effort, or time intoā€”even if the current costs outweigh the benefits

Scorpions are technically also arachnids

They look so easy to extract šŸ‘€

Ok let me get my lighter, needle, gloves and tissues. I'll be right over šŸ˜

I literally never listen to them, but some friends dragged me to a show and it was pretty damn good