I basically got laughed at several years ago when I called my old doctors office asking to get one after stepping on a rusty nail. The woman said we don't give them anymore. I had to drag it out of her where I could get it. Turns out you go to the pharmacy

The only downside of an induction range! No dog or marshmallow toasting

Grilled or fire or in a pinch in a pan, burnt. A little ketchup and shredded Parmesan

I think they're only dangerous is you were to chew them up and also I think you'd need to eat a lot of them. It is one thing that bothers some of my coworkers about his habit

We have a guy at work who eats the entire orange and apple, including the core and stem

That's what I usually do. Or save them on a plate and dump into the yard waste bin if it's getting picked up the next day

My grandpa had my grandma's nice (in the 1970's and 80's) soaps in jars. She passed over 20 years before him. The soaps smelled awful and they'd become stuck together in the jars. Such a waste. Brand new items she'd bought extra of that were useless by the time we cleaned out the house. They were items my grandpa bought and used until his passing yet he kept the the same items hidden away that she'd bought

Same with my grandpa. He had a large house, and on the surface it looked sparse. We were never snoopy so when he passed it was a surprise that every closet, every drawer, every cupboard, etc was packed to the gills. Mostly crap and stuff that was nice at one time but was broken and worthless. He had what we thought was a cabinet of cool collectables from 90-100+ years ago. All of them were broken.

Over 2 tons of shit went to the dump. The furniture was luckily in nice shape so we found homes for all of that stuff, but holy crap it was weeks of works for 11 adults working on it after work and weekends. It was mentally and physically exhausting.

I was already not a fan of knick knack type stuff, but this really made me say if it doesn't make someone in the house happy or get used, it's gone

I know it went from a network to Netflix so it may have gone a different direction than originally intended, I thought Netflix added one more season than they'd planned originally but it's been awhile so I could be remembering wrong.

Lucky charms. Couldn't swallow large pills as a kid and my mom opened them and sprinkled them all n lucky charms. I can taste the nasty pills just by smelling lucky charms even today

My mom found out her 87 yo dad had been driving after his license was taken away for not being able to grip the wheel/eye sight when she was reading her hometown paper online and saw he'd caused an accident. Had to get a new caretaker after that incident

And jazz it up with flavors. We like cinnamon whip the best. And it lets you control the sweetness, there's too much sugar in most canned whip for my taste

Same! I only wish we could grow limes here to round out my homegrown salsa

Eww. My mom grew up on canned veggies and hated most of them until my dad introduced her to fresh and frozen

Same! Now I use a lot of spinach. Blended into smoothies and sauces, fresh in salads and on pizza are some of my favorite uses

Broccoli but I know it's good for me so I eat it occasionally

Yogurt I'll buy one every year or so to see if I still hate it. I keep trying because I used to like it