It's completely possible that they just Chelsea 2012 this. What the fuck

Check your event viewer and see if you can locate the crash event.

They usually run hotter, or are louder. In some edge cases, you lose overclocking.

Is there a cause for concern if SSD health is at 98% after 3.5TB of writes and 2500 power on hours? Crucial P3 1TB drive. I occassionally do some heavy sequential writes and reads that max out the drive.

For a second I thought you were telling me that Tonraq (?) was the most attractive female and I believed you.

And it's Suyin Beifong

Stuff like this is why no matter how much they don't redeem shio I'd never hate her .

Fucking hell that was the jammiest goal to have ever been scored in the history of tournament football.

Play the football inside the co-op arena while bayern get the stadium

Fucking hell. That is unbelievably harsh for Denmark. Whether the decisions were correct or incorrect.

Excel and word won't have any problems. Rendering animation and video will take longer than a more expensive CPU, but it will get the job done.

This is a good value build, although it's not the best in the market by any stretch of the imagination. Minecraft will run very well, though. What productivity software?

Having integrated graphics on a CPU die versus having a dedicated discrete GPU die and developing drivers for it is dramatically different. It's evident that Intel are not able to get out as much of their silicon as the long-time vendors, because their die sizes are much larger and power hungry compared to their performance competitors. I wouldn't say it's a lack of focus in the gaming space right now, because their drivers have come leaps and bounds since first launch; something which would not happen were they not interested in gaming. Still, they have a long way to go both with drivers and perfecting their GPU architecture.

The same goes for AMD too. Their integrated graphics are popular and clear of any other integrated solution in the x86 market. But they haven't measured up to the top of Nvidia's line this generation when it comes to discrete graphics.

Why doesn't david raya start for spain?

I'm enjoying watching england be shit after the manager's refusal to use the squad's best player in his best position

I presume you're using DDU to remove the drivers while you reinstall. Have you tried going back to a previous version of the display driver that doesn't have this problem?

Have you already reinstalled drivers and the problem persists?

How have we managed to have Arsenal-Newcastle AND Liverpool-Spurs as back to back fixtures BOTH TIMES

Another season another opening day fixture away from home

If you're doing a clean install by using a bootable disk image, you can use Rufus to disable the arbitrary restriction placed against 1st Gen Ryzen and install Windows 11 anyway

That was a nauseating physically repulsive watch. Made final season pellegrini look like the invincibles

I don't know what HDMI standard can do 1440p 100Hz, but you'll have to look for that or newer. Many (with some exceptions) new video cards come with four video outs, and it's 3x DisplayPort and 1x HDMI or something like that. I suppose a GTX 1650 or 1660 (Super) that has 4 video outs will do the job.