She wears different dresses, but they’re all the same shade of green.

She does love them, though. And even if she didn’t, I wouldn’t blame her. Not everyone is capable of loving things that are forced/pressured upon them, that’s a normal human reaction. She did not choose to become the king’s wife, her own dad pimped her.

If they believe rape is wrong because it separates sexual activity from the conjugal act, that means that they believe there’s nothing wrong with marital rape.

Oh he is consistent. He’s a woman-hating, theocracy-supporting evil nutjob. But he’s consistent.

Child of Fruitcake Parents

How are they different? Developed breasts are a sexual characteristic, are they not? I’m not talking about if it’s fine or not, I’m talking about if it’s normal/natural. So, you, and the person I replied to can answer the question. Is it normal/natural for a man in his 30s to be sexually attracted to a child with sexual characteristics?

Abortion legal until viability

Life begins at fertilization/implantation. And women would be able to end that life inside them if they so please.

Abortion legal until viability

Absolutely not. A woman certainly has full sovereignty to decide who gets to use her body.

Abortion legal until viability

I don’t care if it’s murder. It should be allowed simply because women’s bodies are not objects to be used against the woman’s will.

Team Black

She’s not a horrible mother, and her imperfections are a result of the awful circumstances she’s endured. She’s infinitely better than I would have been if I had been forced to have a child, let alone have a child at 16.

Are there stupid or disturbed women who enter relationships with men they know are drug dealers/addicts, felons, etc? Yes. And even they should be rescued and given mental treatment. But women, in general, do not go out of their way to choose these type of men. Moreover, 40% of women who are victims of DV are abused for the first time after they become pregnant. Men hide their true selves and later show their true colors once they believe they have their victims trapped. That’s the truth.

It’s also naive to pretend that men who aren’t given a chance would always make good partners. I believe the vast majority are not given a chance for a good reason. For example: do you think these women-hating incels would treat a woman with love and respect if they got a chance? Absolutely not. And, I understand this can hurt feelings but money is also a valid reason to reject someone. Only stupidity would make someone accept to create a family with not enough money to maintain it.

And I know you mean “you” as in “women” and not me specifically. But not all of us do. I don’t get into relationships with any men. There are no benefits in doing so, I believe.

I think I do get those. But for example, before making the first purchase, when I was doing a task and ran out of energy, I was given the option to watch many ads for 3 extra energy each. Now I don’t have that option anymore.

Yes, I have it in my side quests. But have not done it yet since I’m doing FM.

Abortion legal until viability

Objectively it’s a fetus regardless of how the woman feels about it. Those who want it call it “baby” because they have an emotional attachment to it. That’s it.

Child of Fruitcake Parents

I disagree that older children deserve less empathy.

Child of Fruitcake Parents

Hormones are not an excuse, they have the option of masturbation or buying sex toys. People who rape are very aware they are causing harm, and believe me, many do desire to cause harm.

Child of Fruitcake Parents

Exactly. And it’s also funny how this person pretends to not understand the difference between two 16 year olds making a bad decision together and a much older person using a teen for sex.

Child of Fruitcake Parents

“The human mind will find sexual characteristics attractive, instinctively” -You.

Child of Fruitcake Parents

Yes, mental capacity varies. However a 21 year old will always have a better grasp on long-term consequences compared to a 14 year old. Unless the 21 year old is mentally disabled.

And yes, some teen boys are capable of evil, but they might have been born psychopaths. A normal child doesn’t desire to rape.

Child of Fruitcake Parents

All rapes are equally unjustifiable and unforgivable.