The reality is that all this shit is really complicated because of the burocracy. To do is one thing but to start doing it is another. And this problem is in like every country lol

Once, i saw here a line of stars flying in the same direction. Eerie

Eating horse meat is like eating dogs, prove me wrong

Edit: It's because we view horses as pets, just like dogs.

I got the lessons and for me it was more than enough. If you know how to drive a manual car, it will be easy.

My mistake what i really meant to ask is what proportion is tourist : locals in these club joints

Its not really what i meant but thanks for answering

Do locals go to these clubs, or is this just a tourist attraction?

I think you can exploit anything if you really want to through sheer will, but it is a huge risk, especially if you have no idea what you are doing...

My compliment to you as an old man, being a teenager, is hard, but you can do it 👍

If you can fly and are invincible, why not visit the moon or mars, even go to the blackhole or something. Perhaps you can discover time travel.

Damn its a good page, too bad i dont use it anymore thank god lol

I think you just have to get used to it, probably. I live her my second summer without AC, and i am doing fine. The biggest problem for me here is the mosquitoes :D

Move on. Sooner or later it would have happened, that person clearly wasnt stable

Maybe u have too much free time? Get busy living or get busy dying

Its not only Maltese lol. I call this being too lazy to put effort into learning new things and relying on others. It makes sense why would i have to do it when you can do it for me right

In malta manual makes no sense, when u sit all the time in traffic jams automatic is the best option