Oh wowwy I really don’t like losing Schmid.

This is both unhinged and incredibly caring and kind. I love it! And a lovely weekend to you!

I’m a massive Flo fan and you can strongly hear his influence on the album and not necessarily for the better. I remember before the album came out a lot was discussed about his producing and concern about the album. Everyone definitely could hear it but it didn’t remove her from her. I would be curious to hear the version of the album he didn’t produce. I love her and I love the album, I’m just saying that I don’t think he’s why it’s good and I still am having a harder time relating to it as much as her other work.

He’s a rapist. How the heck do you overlook that and respect him? I’m sure if it was your mother he didn’t to in that department store you’d be saying something else (although that shouldn’t be the case). That’s only one thing of literally hundreds that make him unfit, like for instance treason.

I literally just made a comment like 30 minutes ago that I bet if this were consumed via manuscript that the reaction would be quite different. That people would be talking about how incoherent and despotic Trump is and that he would be getting dragged. I mean Biden had some serious fuck ups, too, and wasn’t coherent the entire time (fucking yikes) but he was certainly more coherent, talked about policy and answered the questions. It doesn’t change how old Biden is and what that showed of his age (I know Trump is old, too, he just didn’t seem so ie the optics of which you speak).

Haha I was actually. My dad didn’t vote until 2000 and it’s because I begged him to register so I could vote via him. I know that wasn’t the norm then. I was also obsessed with *NSYNC then so I wasn’t totally abnormal haha.

I really appreciate your answering. I guess it just seems so omnipresent because it’s been the same two or so figures for a decade now. That and they’re always saying how engaged the younger generations are now, especially re climate change. They also acted like Millenials were literally the laziest, most unengaged generation to exist, so I know the generalizations aren’t terribly accurate.

What you’re saying makes sense. It’s smart and good parenting to let them have a childhood as much as possible and not burden them with it. And allowing them to ask questions and give them answers for when they want to engage. Thank you again for answering! I’m so removed from kids that age so it’s very informative.

Exactly this. The DNC is at fault. There are other enablers, of course, but this is the DNC. The DNC is the org that needs to have all the heat. The chances of it changing anything is next to nothing, but it’s worth a try.

Absolutely!! Prior to tonight I didn’t think this and now I feel like it’s just obvious. No one wants either of these two and the third party options aren’t options if you don’t want Trump. Even if they were they’re bad. It would have the vibe of a third party candidate but for the Dem party. It would be a stark age contrast. Then everything you said about strategy and changing course being not possible for them. They won’t do it. Biden is the only one that can actually say okay to it and he’s not going to- he truly thinks he’s the only one that can beat Donald Trump. The argument maybe held water a bit ago but after that there’s not a chance that’s true.

I don’t get everyone drooling over Newsom. If Biden were to step aside, I don’t know why everyone thinks he should be the nominee. I’m not being argumentative. I’m curious why you want him as opposed to any others. Genuine curiosity. I don’t really like him but I don’t hate him or anything. I think the absolute last thing we need is another white male president, however I don’t know that any other demo could be elected right now with Trump as the opponent.

I hate Biden as a result of his response to Israel’s genocide against Palestinians. Prior to tonight, I was truly only voting for him because of the Supreme Court. Tonight highlighted that he is too old (which I thought already, but this felt beyond that) and it’s a problem. (We need age maximums for the presidency, not just minimums.) However, Trump said actually insane and unhinged things. He was incoherent, we’re just used to it. He truly wants to be a dictator and women are dying because of him after his presidency, which ignores all of the destruction he sowed during his presidency. The Supreme Court decisions this week alone are because of him and it will get worse. I just can’t imagine living through the Trump presidency and now living through what has happened to this country as a result, and thinking that doing anything but making sure he isn’t re-elected with their vote is sane. And I have danced on this line of insanity myself. Palestine and him being near crypt keeper levels tonight… I feel like it’s a fucking nightmare and we can’t wake up. It’s still better than Trump which only shows how bad Trump is because, to me, Biden is really fucking bad.

So I say this because I get it. For different reasons, but I get it. I just can’t imagine sitting it out after hearing Trump tonight. I bet a manuscript of the debate would be a very different experience than watching it. It would probably make people more aware of how scary and also senile-seeming Trump was tonight. We’re all so fucked. I just encourage you to vote. I want to live in a country where my loved ones can have health care safely. I want the environment protected so there continues to be an Earth that’s hospitable to humans. I just need us all to zoom out, myself included, and vote for him if he’s the nominee (he will be). Harris will definitely be an improvement from him and, frankly, after tonight I don’t see with how a presidency ages someone that he’ll make the entire 4 years if he can manage to win.

I just keep saying to myself over and over, “The Supreme Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court.” I can’t stomach it any other way.

You have a teen and a tween that know that little about Biden and Trump? That’s shocking to me. Are they not online much? Not interested? I don’t have kids and am only around my quite young nieces and nephews. I’m curious if this is the norm.

This being our choice makes me ill. I hate that we are here. Biden shouldn’t have run for re-election. If he truly cared about America then he would figure it out internally with his people and the party and step aside. The contrast between Trump and a young, coherent person would be stark.

Yeah, I definitely had the thought that if he manages to win he’ll be dead before the term’s over.

Americans are very, very stupid and lazy. I’m an American. It’s amazing how Americans take our democracy for granted and don’t participate in it.

Do you mind my asking what insurance you have? Mine won’t even think about covering it and I’ve done research about others, so I’d love to see if there is one I can find that covers it. Mine are for major depressive disorder and chronic pain.

I can’t adopt her because I have two dogs, and two cats. I will try to think of people that may be interested. Your concern with fostering makes perfect sense, but I wonder if there was a reliable long term foster possibility? I really hope you can find someone. And I’ll continue to check back to help engagement and see updates. This breaks my heart.