well this is like when dads were hugging their sons and people thought it was weird lol

Not really, she is a beautiful woman

that surprises me lol they were huge in 2006 or so

Bring mints with you, take one out for yourself and then ask them if they would like one.

What a babe. You look like my baby sister.

No one is making it a competition, I’m suggesting no one gets worked about it. Not sure what a pick me is, though

This photo makes me hear that Hinder record in my head 😂

I’d add to that, it gets better when you don’t worry about who is better than whom. Worry about yourself and being good to the people you love, and try to not be such an asshole to other people and go on with your day.

Do people not love their husbands in here 😂😂 way too many “he’s a grown man, he can do it himself”! Going on. Of course he can do it for himself, but nothing wrong with doing something nice for him and making him feel special.

there is one quite dramatic pose that freaks me out every time I see it lol

OP, you need to recognize that you are playing into the cycle here. Which, isn’t going to do anything for your ultimate goal.

Okay, are we really gonna be mad he banged a Chinese spy?

Yeah, it isn’t like us whites don’t already rule the majority and have more advantages. Let them bake and move on with life, people!

Yeah, it’s definitely a little racist but again, so? Like we haven’t been more than a little racist here? Like I said, it’s a baking contest. As far as racism goes, this one is pretty harmless.

Yeah, this is silly. We are talking about a baking contest.

As a white person, so what? So they want to give advantages to people of color. We aren’t talking about housing discrimination or something, you know, like people of color actually deal with here.

I wonder how many comments on this thread go like this “They asked politely” “They are just asking in case anyone has those things, no one HAS to give them those things!” that’s usually how the comment section here sounds when this kind of post is made 🧐

What does this video have to do with feeling suicidal

We are in Seattle and eyeing a move to Minneapolis if husband gets his dream job. Minnesota seems to have a lot of good programs.

ohhh lol I thought it was maybe trying to say your conscience feels guilty for getting it for free bc of the dream snap moonstones or soemthjfn lol i was like i don’t get it what does conscience have to do with it 😂😂😂