You should go to a local nursery and get some Mullein. Take pics of it at the nursery and the receipt. Most people think it’s a weed but when they complain tell them it’s to make medicine.

I don’t really like this dude but I have an autoimmune disease and this is what my ankles and feet look like in a flare. I feel bad for him if that’s what it is. Maybe he needs some compression socks 😂 I look super cute wearing mine that go up to my thighs

I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this 🤣 also does anyone know if there’s a subscription service for perfumes that lets you decide the ones you sample? I feel like I would save a decent bit of cash doing it that way since I live in the middle of nowhere and have to order everything

I asked for something in jail as well. It was $10. I said that’s foolish to keep something that cheap locked up when you have perfumes (gestured to the not jailed ones) that are $20+. She didn’t have a reason and was a little huffy. If you don’t want to come and unlock the glass cube then get a new job lol

Same with me. I’m so glad you found it and are doing so much better!

Someone on Facebook said he also killed their dog. That itself is life in prison in my book!

I have a few just like those! The long neck ones and the ones with the big eyes. So cute

I’ll have to add it to my list lol. It’s always a rush when I find something that I’m actually looking for!

We had a pet turkey Winston but his kisses hurt. He really was the sweetest baby though

Wow. This is both sad and disturbing. These poor women have some hella mental illness. As someone who also has a shit brain, they need therapy not more filler

Yup that would do it! Keep taking it at night and you should be good! I don’t know why doctors don’t explain this to their patients more often 🙄

ADHD, ADD, ASD. Basically your brain is different. Which is why stimulants for ADHD make them calm.

I had a hair product that smelled like pumpkin. Not like pumpkin spice but like gutting a pumpkin. It was lovely!

I’m quite a fan of edelweiss and silene unifloria compacta in rock gardens!

I take mine at night too. It’s supposed to rev you up BUT if you are neurodivergent it can make you sleepy. It does help with my depression but mostly I take it for pain

Yeah the mucus is normal for me on this med too. Drink lots of electrolytes

Yes I had some issues the first few weeks. Usually they say it causes constipation. I just take some benifiber with mine. Most adults don’t get enough fiber anyways

Omg did you watch that movie 😱 not me bawling my eyes out seeing how she was treated

I’m personally getting tired of people (from other New England states mostly) going 35 everywhere. Pretty sure if I drove in New York that slow they would tell me to get bent!

Well I have PMDD so it very well could be hormone related! I tried oxybutinin for a while and it did help. But not for long. I have also heard Abilify will help but I’m allergic to that so 🫠

Gross. I am not super for homeschooling since my brother spent so much time in school to become a teacher and now anyone can just teach at home BUT if I lived in that area I wild figure something else out

In Maine all the rite aids closed or turned into Walgreens. It was SO disappointing. Walgreens isn’t my jam at all. So I don’t mind them closing since there’s tons at least where I am

I have some in the style of the first cat. I got them all together at a thrift. But they are normal cat colored lol