I haven’t used that one yet. I think the best sounding gun + reload sounds I’ve used is the PP19 bison (or whatever it’s called). The HG40 also is nice. But I’m having so much fun using the lapa rn it doesn’t compare

It’s all good, one day I’ll get a legendary off of the first draw

I'm not sure. When I first created it, it was just me and my brother. I started spamming the world chat, and now we've got 15 people.

Them iron sight are clean af! I picked it off of a guy I killed and I’m tempted to just buy it

Nice!!! I stole this off some guy I killed earlier and it was VERY fun to use.

2nd verse from Isaiah Rashad - Heavenly Father

I swapped the green laces for the black.

I read this as my 8 year old texted meek mil

Gunsmith Newbie

Try the iron sights cause it frees up a mod slot and honestly you don’t need it