Absolutely not! Even nursing a newborn in bed during the night could feel scary to me (depending on level of sleep deprivation) - I was terrified I’d fall asleep and baby would be unsafe in the bed.

Exactly this - one round (5mg) worked for me. Currently have a 9 week old baby. I’m also 33.

This is what we do too. Baby is 9 weeks old and has been sleeping in the redsbaby bassinet nightly. We have the bassinet stand (there was a 50% off stands promo when we purchased the pram). Thought we may end up buying an actual bassinet but there has been absolutely no need.

I used Little Rae in our nursery too - they are gorgeous, good quality and easily removable.

Yes - I was thinking this just yesterday and could have written almost this exact post (baby is 8 weeks old)!

I was told exact HCG results for each test. A nurse from the OB practice would call or text with the results. I needed some minor fertility help due to PCOS so was under the care of an OB from preconception to delivery. I suspect GPs may do things differently.

I couldn’t stand her- By episode 3 I was fast forwarding scenes she was in. She came across too vapid and fake to endure watching.

Agree with all other comments - I was told to take 2x2.5mg together (just before bed).

I have lean PCOS and my RE recommended letrozole - which was successful for me. RE’s view is that clomid is the “out dated” choice and he no longer uses it for his patients.

I have one which I purchased at Vend Marketplace (Brisbane) - it’s handmade in Australia. Maybe you could find similar markets which focus on local handmade goods if you aren’t in Brisbane?

I experienced two chemical pregnancies early last year while ttc. These led me to see an RE who did monitored cycles and prescribed metformin, letrozole and progesterone in my first appointment. Currently 9 months pregnant. Hoping your experience gets more positive from here!!

Yeah I’ve seen that too - there is someone newish at my work who essentially memorises your LinkedIn after meeting you once and will then corner you in the tea room and integrate you about it! It’s weird and not what I recommend at all!! I find it’s just nice to remember a few key personal details about people for the next time you chat- as many have said, people like to talk about themselves and their families/interests rather than work! Really, the actual note taking is probably unnecessary, but as an introvert it helps me not feel so overwhelmed about meeting new people!

If talking / networking with people I know I’ll come across regularly I take notes. Not at the time of course (😂) but when I’m next alone. Little things like “Amanda has a 2 year old. Likes baking and running. House hunting currently.” Etc… Helps build up true connections as the next time you talk you don’t have to start from the start.

Yep normal - I spotted on letrozole too. It worked for me on my first cycle.

PBCT2 is the code used on our order this morning at the expo.

Yep this is exactly what my RE recommended too. Plus take at night with dinner. I didn’t have any nausea.

Yes - RE prescribed metformin, letrozole and progesterone.

I had two chemicals in a row earlier this year. Started seeing a wonderful RE after the second one. Am currently pregnant (17 weeks) and all going perfectly. Sending lots of good wishes your way.

No! Some mild spotting for a few days afterwards was my only side effect.

I started at 5mg too. I think that’s standard for my RE.

My only side effect was very mild spotting for a few days after taking.

I was told to take 500mg for 1 week, then 1000mg for a week, then get to the full 1500mg in week 3. I think sticking to that schedule of slowly increasing helped - and is against my personality of just getting it done!! I also always took the pill/s at night with dinner on my RE’s advice. My stomach was mildly upset for a few days after increasing to the higher doses (diarrhoea). But nothing major and I had positive side effects too - like my skin noticeably cleared up and, it’s hard to describe, but I just felt really balanced overall, like emotionally and hormonally.

You’re welcome! Everyone is different of course, but my experience was positive and I hope yours is too!!