ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder.

Ne is just a way to take in and perceive information.

You can’t control ADHD.

You can control and focus your Ne.

ADHD has mood and sensory symptoms.

Ne has nothing to do with mood.

If you think you have bad enough ADHD and it’s interfering with your daily life, get a proper evaluation.


ENTP and “these are mine!!!”

I also really miss having a good window for plants.

ENTP and “I love both!” I have a slight preference for cats cuz I’ve always had cats and they are just so low maintenance. It’s a lot easier to rent with cats, too!

But I definitely do also want a dog someday.

I watch you from Reddit when you are sleeping! 😜

Again, it depends on why the opinion is popular! If it’s “common sense” or “proven by facts” then that’s why “it’s a popular opinion.”

I think you just wanna be rebellious and it’s really that simple. 🤷‍♀️ Yeah, you like digging deeper too, cuz you are also a genuinely curious person, and I don’t doubt that!

But that’s not your primary core motivation.

You literally said “I’m an immature teenager and I like making people angry.” You want a reaction from people and there’s not some grand mystery behind it. Teenagers have been “trying to challenge authority” since the Dawn of humanity.

If you wanna figure out why you, specifically as an individual, are “a brat,” then ask yourself that question. “Why am I a brat? Am I actually achieving the results I want by ‘playing Devil’s advocate?’”

Cuz I definitely can’t tell you why you do what you do, only speculate based on the information you have given me, so far, plus things that tend to be “universally true” like “a lot of teenagers are brats and seek to be ‘rebellious.’”

It might also be an “identity” thing?

ExTPs are notorious for not having the best sense of personal identity cuz of the Fi Blindspot. You might not really know yourself, yet, so you use being combative or challenging as “a surrogate identity.” It’s all you have.

Which is why it’s better to make decisions about what you actually truly think rather than simply “being rebellious.”

What makes “Model A” and “Model G” different? 🤔

Now you’ve got me curious.

So what are you really asking us, exactly?

Are you trying to ask why other people “get offended?”

Are you trying to avoid offending more people?

Are you asking why people believe in the things that they do?

Do you even know what “machine” you are “raging against,” or are you simply asking about our experiences?

What are you really trying to understand?

What’s “traditional” or “customary” is relative, to begin with. What I care about is “why a person believes that?”

If they have valid reasons and I can tell they have thought deeply about something, I won’t fight them too hard unless it’s absurd, like flat-earth BS and the like. If their “reason” is just cuz “that’s how I was taught / raised,” well then yeah, I will challenge that. But I don’t need to be “offensive” to do that.

I’d disagree and say that quite a few of the younger, more immature ENTPs on here are the opposite of “adorable.”

I think that “we have our moments,” but we definitely aren’t known for being “cute.” That’s usually more associated with the ExFPs.

It’s okay. “It be like that sometimes.”

It’s not necessary. It’s mostly just to “sharpen angles,” and is sometimes used to slim certain features down.

If you don’t like it, don’t use it. 🤷‍♀️ It’s certainly not required if you don’t like a really dramatic make up look.

I don’t think OP cares about this.

They literally said “I am an immature teenager and I like to piss people off.”

What’s the point of asking a dumb question you already answered?

You are just an immature teenager who “likes to piss people off.” It’s not an ENTP thing. It’s a “you are a little shit head and you know it” thing.

Logic / “introverted thinking” responds to facts and reasonable arguments. It seeks to come to terms with things through its own understanding. Meaning that making a final decision about an issue is the point, until you are presented with new information that suggests otherwise.

You are just being obnoxious and controversial for the sake of being obnoxious and controversial. That’s not relevant to MBTI. Lots of teenagers want to be memorable and “special/ different.”

I second “joke mostly about yourself!”

Aside from that, just read people. It’s really not that hard.

I would say “it has a time and a place.” Basically, “shower sex is useful, in a pinch.” During a lady’s period is she doesn’t wanna get blood on the bed. If you really don’t have a lot of time to spare, you both need a shower, and you “make it a quickie,” stuff like that.

Basically “shower sex is useful,” and it can be hot / feel good in the right situation, especially if you have “shower furniture and attachments.” 😜

But it’s not the norm for a reason.

Idk, I would never feel safe doing that. I have worked in too many bars and heard too many horror stories (I know of at least 2 girls who got roofied, and I know the real number for how often that actually happens is much higher.) I am glad you had fun, but definitely be extra careful in situations like that. It’s not worth your life! (Many a serial killer has picked up a drunk or intoxicated person.)

Not necessarily. A thing can both “make the most logical sense,” and simultaneously “feel the best.”

Let’s use something extremely simplistic like a shower / bathing as an example. You know that bathing and being hygienic is the best thing for your health, but a good shower or bath after a long day is just chef’s kiss!

Thusly a person can value bathing both “for being hygienic,” and “for relaxing.” There is no conflict between Ti and Fi in regard to something like this. Thusly both Ti users and Fi users “can enjoy a relaxing shower or bath,” and both have reasons which are legitimate. (Hygiene and pleasure / enjoyment.)

These motivations / reasons do not conflict and they can also dip into each other. “I am going to take a bubble bath both cuz I stink and it will be relaxing.”

I am technically a Fi-blind type and something I have come to notice is that I am the most satisfied when “the correct thing” / “objectively best thing,” and “the thing that feels right” are in alignment. (However, this phenomenon is soooooooo rare!)

I usually feel the exact point in my psyche where my auxiliary authority Ti and trickster Fi start to diverge, and “I will choose to adhere to the most reasonable option, considering the circumstances.” (Ti.)

But that doesn’t mean I feel nothing when I choose against impulse / desire. (“What feels right,” what I want, and etc…..)

It’s just that no matter how I, personally, feel about something I need to look at the established facts! I cannot justify my perspective solely on the basis of my personal preferences and subjective values because morals are relative, and “what’s right” vs “what’s best” doesn’t always have an easy solution.

Thusly I need to ponder the best course of action, regardless of whatever values or personal beliefs I might hold.

I can’t turn off my brain and “shut down,” or “get immediately defensive” just cuz something challenges my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or preconceived notions. Even if something “irks me” or makes me “irate,” I can’t just act on that until I have hit the frustrating point of no return.

I will only get “defensive” when something / someone external calls into question my expertise and my personal understanding of things. I am more insecure about “being unsure” rather than worrying about whether or not something conveniently fits with my system of values, or not. That’s just not that important to me!

I am fine with an “ambiguous” feeling in the values department as long as I am satisfied with the information I have collected about a person, thing, or situation. Cuz not everything in life has an easy answer and sometimes our personal feelings prevent us from making the best possible decision, and that feels much more “wrong” to me.

I am compelled to “keep an open mind” because I don’t want my judgment clouded by my personal bias, and we all have our personal biases and cognitive distortions.

But that doesn’t actually mean that just cuz I am an ENTP “I have no Fi.” We all use all 8 functions. It’s just the “how well” and “level of conscious discretion and discernment” which varies.

My Fi is low cuz it’s extremely under-valued and, I often feel averse towards it! But to act like it’s not still an important aspect of my psyche, or I that I don’t have secret hopes, dreams, and fears “in the shadows” would just be incorrect and completely misleading!

Sometimes I feel so strongly about something, I have no choice but to “push it down,” or else I’d never be able to get anything done or make a final decision, and that delays meaningful action, which bugs me a lot more!

This person simply might be lacking in some self-awareness and life experience and that is why they feel “torn” between Fi and Ti.

This will become even more apparent if the OP is under ~20, which is not an impossibility when you consider the mean age for Reddit use, cuz their brain might still be growing and developing.

So of course they are under-developed and a shit-ton of stuff is “undifferentiated.”

I think OP’s main problem is they want the test to tell them who they are, rather than taking an active responsibility for the formation of their own identity and that definitely checks with higher Ti usage, which will often struggle with its core sense of identity.

They want to be more “sure of themself” like a more mature or healthier high Fi-user would be, but they just can’t! Something is stopping them from choosing a type in accordance with “what feels right / sounds the most relatable.” It definitely seems like a Ti > Fi preference.

So I also agree with you that the most likely type based on this is ISTP.

Most places aren’t great for women but South Asia is definitely not the best place to be a woman.

I, personally, am just finding it to be strangely amusing cuz it’s very “pot calling the kettle black” with the 2 (n)F-Dom types who are literal complimentary shadows of each other pointing and wagging all of the fingers at one another!

It’s very Person A) “your socks stink.” Person B) “Oh, yeah? Well your shoes stink, and it’s making your socks stink too!!”

When I create that scene in my head, it’s actually pretty freaking hilarious! Cuz it’s such a dumb thing to “debate.”

The reality is “everyone’s socks stink!” (All 16 types.) It’s just how badly they stink, specifically, that varies from individual to individual.

I think my main take away from this exchange is “too much one Sided Fe or too much one sided Fi are both equally bad!” Balance is where it’s at!

Balance between the Dom and inferior function. Balance between the dominant Ego and the dominant shadow. The truth is often found somewhere between two extremes.

That said, in the interest of fairness, I am all over Reddit, and I don’t see that many “emo” posts on here where Fe-Doms allegedly “complain about people.”

I think it’s been like a week since that last cringe “I am a nice guy” post I saw and most people were team “hey, I get it! But this is why establishing your boundaries is important,” and that was the first post I had seen like that in quite a while. Sorta doesn’t match up to OP’s claim.

There might’ve maybe been one weird one earlier today? But it looked very click-bait / rage-baity, so I knew it was a waste of my time.

Basically Reddit like all social media has an algorithm that seeks to “maximize engagement.” Thusly, it tends to be very “you are what you eat!”

You don’t wanna see a person of any type on a “no one understands me! People just want to use me” martyr kick, simply don’t interact with those posts, at all. No Likes or dislikes, and especially no comments and bam! They will become less frequent in your thread. Like magic!

I also would like to point out that I actually tend to see some “emo and mistrustful stuff” in INFJ, and ironically sometimes in INFP too, more frequently. 😅 (Obviously not all the time, though! Cuz again, I don’t tend to interact with repetitive or redundant posts unless they are topics and ideas I usually enjoy talking about!)

Anyways, thanks for distracting me before bed peeps! It gave me something to do. Please try be nice to each other, yeah? Cuz for both F-Doms, actually upsetting / annoying other people will honestly usually tend to make them feel worse.

What’s that got to do with anything?

Not every ENTP acts like a carbon copy stereotype ya know! If anything, I think there is probably something wrong with the people who try way too hard to act like stereotypes.

Like, get a mind and a personality of your own! The whole “debater” stereotype is often taken completely out of context. The 4 letters explain how I perceive and take in information, and how I make decisions and choose to take action. That’s pretty much their only usefulness.

Yes, I am a relatively logical person. But that is simply “because it makes the most sense to me,” / “that’s how I understand an idea or concept,” thusly I adhere to that.

What’s there to “enjoy” or “not enjoy” about it? A person is either reasonable or they aren’t, and that’s all there is to it!

Having “feelings” about logic completely defeats the purpose. Having a personal attachment to your subjective rationale is usually considered to be more of a Fi-thing because Fi-users make active and conscious choices to feel a specific way about their ideas and their reasons.

Whether or not I am “argumentative” is also relative to the topic and person I am talking to. If a person is factually and objectively incorrect, then I will tell them that plainly.

However, if they make an interesting point I hadn’t thought of, I will tell them that and thank them for the soundbyte or insight and ask them to tell me more about how they came to that conclusion? Not “fight with them because I can.” That’s so freakin childish.

If a debate isn’t a productive discussion or at least “entertaining enough,” then it’s a waste of my time, effort, and energy.

I like to discuss ideas freely and I don’t have the patience for people who are narrow-minded and can’t meet me at my level of maturity.

Essentially, “I like to intelligently discuss things.” Outside of a formal setting, “Debating” is often (but not always) for hot-headed, short tempered idiots who need to validate their self-perceived “brilliance” through others by attempting to make themselves look or sound “smart” or “unique” / “special” and I often find that younger ENxPs can get on my nerves for this reason.

It’s also probably a slight projection of me remembering a younger, dumber, less mature version of myself, if I am being entirely honest.

I see a lot of “debates that go nowhere” as “childish” and a waste of my time, but I am also 34. I have shit that matters to take care of and I actually need healthy professional / working relationships! So I can’t be starting stupid arguments “just cuz.”

I save the leisurely chit-chat and “interesting discussions” for my trusted friends.

Debating what, exactly? “Debating” in what context?

I mean, maybe? Point is, tell guys she wants to wait and that will eliminate at least the lowest hanging fruit