We should let qualified doctors make these decisions.

To know whether or not he was killed with a wooden stake driven through his heart.

Being a low IQ narcissist isn’t the same as being autistic.

You mean food and stuff?

The Debbie calls where she gets him to admit the truth and he immediately and repeatedly reverts to his instincts and excuses. He doesn’t have the intelligence and emotional regulation to fake it.

Yes Elon, you can put anchovies on pizza. You’re such a smart little boy.

It’s a quantum property that behaves a lot like classical spin, but classical spin involves multiple particles moving around an axis. For a single particle, it has to be something completely different even though it behaves very similarly.

The coils inside are submerged in mineral oil that acts as an insulator and in larger transformers, there can even be a cooling loop and a radiator so it can also act as a coolant.

It’s funny that they think he has any kind of self-regulation.

Where’s their old Soviet stockpile? Even an old T-54 beats rolling up to the front in a plumber’s van.

Some of these appear to have nickel in them, which is actually fairly toxic. I guess a little heavy metal poisoning is a small price to pay for 5G protection.

I know plenty about Jones. There’s a decent podcast by two comedians called “Knowledge Fight” that has been following his shenanigans for years going back to the Y2K stuff. And I didn’t preach about anything so you can go ahead and hop off your high horse, pal.