love the casual fashion too. we have too much lycra here.

this is also the saddest and most ignorant comment section i’ve seen on this sub. rather disappointed in my fellow cyclists.

Brand: Hiroshi Kato

Cut: The Hammer straight fit, cut #18182

Fabric: raw selvege denim, indigo, NON-STRETCH, not sure on the weight but in the neighborhood of 14oz

Size: 31 waist

Condition: like new, no indigo fade or wear, never washed Worn a handful of times. Too tight for me. I have thunder thighs. My loss is your gain. $228 new, yours for $160 shipped obo

if you’re in trouble they’ll come to your house. this sounds like some scams i’ve heard of recently.

this video is a case study in why it’s a good idea to take up space in a lane while cycling. i will move way over to accommodate a passing car as soon as it’s safe to do so, but i’m not gonna encourage a risky pass.

if you like the adventure and western aspects, the Berrybender Tetrology by Larry McMurtry is a fun one. four books, much easier to get through than BM, set around the same time period in the west.

my mind on e-bikes got changed when my city council member said he got into riding bikes because of them. he’s in his 60s with bad knees. now he’s advocating for bikes and bike infrastructure in general. can’t hate on that.

i heard something very similar in the texas hill country. pretty sure it was a toad, but it was a cold night and so the pitch was much lower than any calls i could look up on the internet. i asked here but got no answers.

look up native frogs and toads in that part of oregon and see if you can find calls on youtube or elsewhere.

speaking in terms of pure aesthetics, this is actually a really handsome building. feels very moderne or international style, which is shared by some of my favorite local mansions built in the ‘30s. hats off to the architects for delivering something so tasteful.

speaking of housing, just build the thing if it’s legal. all housing added to the pool helps.

anyone opposed to it is welcome to deliver an actual argument with objective negatives, not just “the vibes are bad”.

she is oddly terrible at expressing herself on twitter sometimes. i feel like she often gets on long tangents of trying to clarify herself and it can take a while.

that seems a little disparaging, but they do seem to design for what’s cool over what will serve a rider long-term. and could be a lot better about communicating the limits of their frames, especially ones that fit 2.8” tires.

heavier frames don’t necessarily feel dead. i ride an atlantis, it’s an absolute tank. it’s also lively and buttery and rides way better than the disc trucker i used to have. couldn’t tell you what the difference is but must be somewhere in the price difference. riv’s construction is notoriously overbuilt and conservative. their road bikes are probably burlier than a crust evasion. they just play it safe because they market their bikes as something to ride for decades and use for many purposes, and grant had the experience to not deliver something fragile that a significant number of customers are going to break.

That’s Goat Rock Beach in Jenner CA I believe.

point is it’s not a rare occurrence in the big chunk of the country where they grow.

sorry for the downvotes. i saw like a dozen of these today. they grow like weeds in central texas.

wait a few months. i planted mine in early march and they’re on their way out. you can plant again in late september and get a fall crop though.

i’ve heard of crusts breaking more than any other brand. they seem to chronically undersize their tubing for supple riding but then sell them as something you can strap a ron’s chest to and ride on rutted dirt roads. considering they’re a young brand started by a dude who commissions frames he likes from maxway i’m not surprised. i think they make cool stuff, it’s pretty, and i hear they ride great, but seems like maybe they have some kinks to work out.

compare them to rivendell, wilde, pretty much any other frame company founded by people with decades more experience. those frames might be heavier but they stand behind their frames and their frames don’t break all the time.

i feel like the royal tenenbaums would be hated by many on this sub. some of the best film and tv is about chronically shitty people!

it’s hard to judge the distances in a video. to me there wasn’t room in front of the truck and the next car, and at that point you’re nearly cutting off the truck. safer to coast (not “slam on your brakes”, just gently slow down, again you can see the truck going faster than you nice and early), lose some speed, and tuck in behind. but ultimately that’s a call you have to make on your own in the moment. and you made neither call and ended up slowing down anyway, just late and in a panic.

you had plenty of time to just let off the gas and let the person behind you slow down.

yeah man, a vehicle this big can’t change speeds as well as you. they were plainly visible, just slow down and let them in since you didn’t have room in front to get in front of them.

that’s not that unusual. i’ve transferred banks and is typical for them to ask for a cashiers check. especially when you’re taking five figures.