If that was F1, Pogi would have got a 10 sec penalty. 

narh wtf is this. Give us some breakaway racing. What happened to TV breaks ? seems like smaller teams are just scared of the big teams now. Kinda sad. I hope UCI and the cycling world, will evaluate on situations like these. Nothing wrong with 5-10 sprint stages in a GT, but seeing teams just agreeing to cruise untill last 25km kills the excitment.

We might have a small breakaway, but will be controlled by the peloton.. Also i'm i the only one thinking Trek might put pressure on the last climb ? 30km from finish line, if they just set tempo in the peloton they might remove half the sprinters.

Bora Redbull. The new Moviestar. Overhyped and popular team, but with nothing to show for. Never takes responsibility or does anything to impact the race.

Guys Pedersen are just going for the Green jersey. He knows he is the best climber amoung the pure sprinters, so free points in 10km.

Lakaka, Ronaldo, Muller and Højlund 0 goals.. i like it

Today was so great for the race. We got alot of answers. Many people was afraid it would be a Poga stomp fest. But Jonas looks equally good, and seeing Remco and Carapaz next to them, looks promising. Remco will be super confident knowing he his this close to the two of them. This tour will be so good, so good.

his hair is more greasy than my doner kebab i get at 4 AM on my way home from a party.

In premier league every goalkeeper would have had the ball there, guess thats why Kasper is in Ligue 1 now.

Oliver stopped the Blietzkreig before et even started.

As a neutral, watching England or this Denmark must be hard on the eye.

all respect to Eriksen, but has been the worst player on the pitch to far this game. 3-4 mistakes in 18min.