The person you are replying to thinks that Jews immigrating/fleeing as refugees to Ottoman and then Mandatory Palestine was the worst crime committed in all of human history. It's not worth engaging.

I expect RFK to get around 10% in Utah.

HUGE WEDGE and look at that ground scouring.

I mean it's pretty clear that what we're doing to hoping Russia destroys itself trying to take Ukraine before it fights any NATO countries.

Eventually after enough expansion they'll run out of people to appoint to the and appoint you /u/tertiaryAntagonist. And that's what we call a federal jobs guarantee 😎

That makes no sense, why would people not vote when their votes are actually equal? As an example, I'm a Democrat in Utah, there is zero reason currently why I should vote in a Presidential election (I still will cause I'm weird). If there was a popular vote I would have much more reason to vote. Same deal for California and New York Republicans and Texas Democrats.

Ah yes because the current system totally doesn't have Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Vegas, and Milwaukee deciding the Presidential election.

When American political scientists go to help countries that are trying to build a democracy or write a constitution they never suggest the American political system, funny enough.

Or just reduce the power of the Senate. It's wildly powerful compared to upper legislative chambers in other countries.

More to the point, districts don't matter in Presidential elections (except for Maine and Nebraska).

There’s only 15 million Jews left

That's makes it sound like we are going extinct. To the contrary we have almost gotten back up to pre-Shoah population.

Skis and golf clubs are actually the only thing that doesn't take up an absurd amount of room.


Agreed, talk about the IRA, talk about the infrastructure law.

LGBT person supports whoever seems like the most "oppressed" in any given situation.

Federation of College Democratic Women Democrats.

I know he can run, I just think there are a lot of people who wouldn't want to vote for a literal criminal for president.

All of Russia’s incremental gains in 2024 have been achieved by having overwhelming artillery superiority compared to Ukraine (literally a ratio of over 1000:1 R:U shells on the eastern front), allowing them to simply blast trenches open through raw saturation and preventing Ukraine from counterattacking trench lines that would otherwise be practical to recapture and hold.

The standoff glide bombs also did work.

He doesn't need to be a great savior, he just needs to be a moderately competent incumbent who is not a convicted felon.

Had to check that this is not the David Tepper who owns the Panthers.