I love this comment. I think this episode really dove deep into a lot of the more character driven plots than many in the past. This episode was an exploration of deeper character motivations and dynamics. It wasn’t about a big change happening, you were supposed to notice all the character nuances. These details will be relevant as we enter the final act with the last two episodes.

I feel like the silencer criticisms is insanely nitpicky because that is how they work in every single tv show or movie. Like yes I get you, it’s wrong, but I wouldn’t blame the show runners when it’s such a universally accepted plot device. I believe the tiniest bit of suspension of belief is acceptable here.

Also Sage can regenerate. That was shown to us already. So how or why would they kill her? I don’t think the boys knew she can regenerate her brain. That was a big reveal with the lobotomy scene last episode.

I love the political commentary but I do agree with you I wish they could write it a bit more cleverly. I understood the metaphor/symbolisms back when it wasn’t so explicit, and I’m sure most of us did, so it’s too bad they are trying to make things wayyyy more literal, probably so even the slower people can understand lmao. I wish they weren’t trying to accommodate those people though. It was def better written when it wasn’t so literal.

JFC what an episode. How are y’all complaining? If this ep was in an early season y’all would be praising it for how fucking insane it is. This was goooood 😭

I think your analysis is great!

I also think Jared declined more than Jensen improved but I was trying to be gentle in my original comment 😭

Like you pointed out, Sam’s character decreased in importance throughout the show, and I’ve seen some people make the case as to why that’s why Jared’s acting isn’t as good later on, but I think it’s the other way around. I just think he couldn’t equally carry the weight as the show went on. So the writers started giving all of the heavy emotional arcs to Dean. That’s why at some point in the show, 90% of side characters begin to revolve around Dean, and the major season plot arcs do as well. We are mostly shown how character deaths affect Dean. Castiel, Mary, Charlie, etc. and major plot points are given to Dean like mark of Cain, Amara, etc.

The difference is so stark when you look at the major recurring characters because Sam and Dean obviously have near equal screen time, so everyone else is far behind, but Castiel is the third most frequent character and pretty much every single plot point or interpersonal conflict relating to Cas was given to Dean.

I just think Jared was not cutting it as the show went on. So it was easier to make Dean the “main character” (even if they have equal screen time)


I’m gonna be the counter to the OP comment as I am a girl that hates tiny girl pants pockets and would prefer functional pocket sizes over HAVING to carry a bag 😖

I hate bags because if it’s something that is not attached to me I WILL lose it lmao. So I go out with the bare minimum in my pockets.


I’m the opposite. I pray they never come back. I mean I don’t care THAT much because if they do come back I won’t be wearing them, but still lol

I just don’t want to return to the era where it was impossible to find non skinny jeans in most normal store. That’s what it was like for most of my adolescent/teen years until Covid/after Covid era.

I mean I don’t think this is wrong. Context is important. He’s not talking about morality here or Homelander as an actual Supe, he’s talking about like typical deviant behavior that you see celebrities getting exposed for on social media or like TMZ

I think here they were talking about the Supes at the club. Butcher can get blackmail material on a lot of them because they fuck around, do drugs, etc. but Homelander doesn’t do that. Yes he’s a bad person but he doesn’t really publicly engage in normal types of vices.


I was born in 2004 and I half relate and half don’t lol. I don’t think the things I don’t relate to are age related though, I think it’s more gender/hobby differences growing up.


I don’t think OP meant they can’t remember the late 2000s I think they just made a starterpack of the 2010s

Gen Z: 2010 (2011-2014 cusp, 2013 Gen Alpha start)

Millennials: 1994 (1995-1998 cusp, 1997 Gen Z start)

Gen X: 1978 (1979-1982 cusp, 1981 Millennial start)

Boomers: 1960 (1961-1964 cusp, 1965 Gen X start)

The Baby Boom cusp is a little more complicated due to the unique origins of the Baby Boomer generation. The other generational cusps I see as just the years on either side of the border, whereas for baby boomers I feel like the Gen X cusp is exclusively young Baby Boomers. 1965 is core X imo.

See I agree with you on principle here because I do think it’s likely for them to bring him back, but I don’t think them not killing him means that specifically. It was just plot consistency. They never introduced an actual way to kill him off and with everything we saw with the Russian testing he’s supposed to be indestructible.

The bigger hint imo is the fact that they are being Jared Padalecki on next season. I honestly don’t that conservation would have occurred if they weren’t planning to bring Jensen Ackles back.

Careful who say that around because he has a lot of fans who would get mad at that… I think he was fine when he was younger (Gilmore Girls and early Supernatural) but as Supernatural went on I felt like Jensen became a stronger actor whereas Jared never really evolved past his younger acting. Not a good serious actor imo. Fine for CW shows but who knows maybe he’ll pick it up for The Boys.

I agree bc I just “claim” the whole time I was a child. I don’t really understand the mentality that a lot of people on here have that you need to determine some exclusive “core” time based on a few years of your childhood.

It’s not even “claiming” to me bc it’s just a simple description of facts. Were you a child then? Did you consume childhood media? Did the culture of the era influence your childhood during that time? Yes, so that’s part of your childhood era.


Exactly lol. And we have our own slang and culture that we would otherwise engage in with our peers if it weren’t for all the mixture between adults and kids online.

The average person is going to survive to old age. That’s your current age several times over. In the grand scheme of thing we are so young.

My parents are in their late 50s and someone in their 20s is like a kid to them! We’re going to be in our 50s one day reminiscing about our youth in our 20s lol

I agree with you but also I find it pretty ironic considering when she joined the 7 she actually was a functional hero that was going out and doing saves. That’s not something we really ever see anyone else do. It’s 90% fake with everyone else.


I don’t mean you specifically but I know a lot of people who care lol. People feel like their time is over because they can see practical children online with slightly different slang or trends or whatever lol. I think it does bother a lot of people because there is definitely a very widespread fear of getting older that has existed for generations. But the Internet exaggerates what’s actually happening.

Ah ok! I just responded to ur comment bc ur observation was actually an intentional detail that was relevant at the end of the season. It’s funny how far in advance these things can be planned.

I totally get it’s not for everyone! Also glad to hear how important the books were for you in the past! I never read the books or saw the movie (I was born like 10 years after the movie) and it’s pretty cool that we can all have media that speaks to us, whether it’s the book, movie, or show!

I picked my own year (2004) first but if I had to pick a second year I’d pick 1994. Like you said, a lot of people are picking 1994 lol!

I think just in general people would rather be older than younger as to not miss out on the things they’ve experienced, and 1994 is the first in that range so it’s the year that “experiences the most” relative to now.

I also think 1994 is the last year that gets to really claim any remnant of the 90s and not be seen as ridiculous for doing so. Y’all are mostly 2000s kids but I don’t think anyone would object to you claiming to be a late 90s kid/2000s kid, so for most of the people in this sub who can’t remember the 90s at all or were not alive, that seems uniquely appealing compared to other mid 90s years.

Honestly I like 2004. I definitely would not go any younger. I also wouldn’t want to be any older within a few enough years that I would have been in college during Covid. So if I had to pick a year besides my own birth year, I’d pick like 1994-1997. If I’m picking ONE, I’d say 1994 because I like the life era pattern X4 years have. Late 90s/Early 2000s kid, Late 2000s/Early 2010s teen for 1994. Late 2000s/Early 2010s kid, Late 2010s/Early 2020s teen for 2004.

So yeah I’d pick 2004 or 1994.

A year later I hope you’ve seen the season 2 finale ;)

Honestly it’s just the hair. She was never ugly she just had an unflattering haircut for her face. She’s really pretty and this hairstyle suits her


Imo the problem is people our age being bothered by this… it’s too online. IRL you would never care what literal 13 year olds think but TikTok has everyone worried about kids thinking their old. In reality you are very young in your 20s and most people our age only interact with other adults (unless you work with kids or have younger family) so why worry about “being old” when 1) you’re not and 2) you shouldn’t be worried about what 13 year olds think when most adults see you as young like ur never gonna interact with these people anyway lol

I like the first style better in general but I like the second style better for his character. It’s more sleazy lol

Hmmm some of these depend on whose perspective? Bc in universe yes Homelander is seen as the hero but in terms of the show he’s pretty clearly the villain from day one lol

It’s a shame bc their most recently album is genuinely so good. Unfortunately a lot of fans will just always prefer the older stuff. I see it a lot with other bands that have been around for at least 20 years too. The nostalgia drive lol.

I saw them in March and they put on a great show. It was a huge crowd in the arena so there are still a lot of us!