It’s is a cultural norm now , I don’t go to your country and tell you what to do , lmfao

Forced air unit is your indoor unit , AC 1, is your out door , two separate dedicated circuits for two different pieces of equipment

We had a lady that constantly brought out lemonade and told us which bathroom to use , well about half way through the day one of the guys used the bathroom and noticed a camera in the bathroom aimed directly at the pisser .

Had this problem with my lady, when we first started dating I didn’t think anything of it , until she mentioned it and now I have no socials but Reddit because it causes more issues than fun. If you haven’t said how you feel out loud , he might /probably has no clue how much it affects you .

Assuming men/women know how we feel is setting you up for failure . Communicate with your boyfriend and see how he responds .

Surge is better , have had 12 and 18v and the new fuel non surge , for commercial install, the none surge last 9 months before the chuck locked up, My surges haven’t had any issues and is a hell of a lot better on your ears

The new guy

I second some sort of fine motor repair , I do commercial hvac but I hobby a bunch of things , something like computer repair / diagnoses, watch repair like you said doc

The easy grip splicer from knipex great for shielded cable (tsat, communication, data) with out knicking wires

My girlfriend comes from a very wealthy family , I didn’t know this when we started dating , but I was in the service when we started making 20-24k a year , broke as a joke from drinking , dipping and tattoos. Fast forward 6 years later (proposing next weekend) I make over 100k a year and live comfortably .

My point is that if she’s it she won’t give a shit about money, she’ll love you for you and your potential .

You’re a fuckin scum bag for that mindset that probably doesn’t know fuck all about the industry. You should take care of people that need help not just sell shit because you want to make more money. The wealthiest people I know , give back more than anyone I know and have a bountiful mindset . Not yours .

If yall ever get a chance to go to / request a course , take the airbalancing course from NCI, (national comfort institute) best class I’ve done by far. 1” are trash but get advertised differently for some reason. The thicker the better , more surface area = less restriction

I grew up low middle class had food and clothes and about it, my girlfriend is the other end and as of recent her families money is unfathomable to me (close to 100 mil give or take) Been together 6 years and went to therapy because it was a huge difference in the way we spend , you have to find a middle ground and realize that it’s not that she’s expecting you to do it , it’s just her normal, and you have sit her down to tell her your feelings , and discuss why it’s a problem, if you don’t say it explicitly don’t expect your partner to read your mind .

If it’s that big of a deal then maybe split up, but my gfs family has opened my eyes to a whole new world financially and teach me things that my parents should have about money.

Good luck brother .

Get off the social media , see a therapist, go to the gym , work on your self esteem and love yourself then look.

Me and random dudes I meet will talk strategy when we see other teams doing something that just annihilates us. It’s different than most of the shooters out there , so when people have to learn new things about a FPS , it’s a turn off for a lot.

I’ve also noticed the player base is quite a bit older like my self , with that being said I work 40-60 hours a week , and just don’t have the time to put in.

So much potential though

The new guy

I’d say either one is good , just remember that you might go to college for one degree and end up pivoting , good luck either way.

Relax on the yeti stuff …. Lmfao I only have it cuz I get 25% off and it’s still absurdly expensive but it doubles for work as well and my truck sits in 110 degrees plus in the summer .

Nah, I’ve given money out , for food and bills , but not a computer and excuses .

Marine Veteran :rsz_vintage-sterling-usm:

It’s crazy that people think they wouldn’t check.

I think being for America before being for a party is more necessary . Just be a good person and relax about party this party that.

Drive around , find a landscaping crew , ask for a job, go to a construction site . Ask for a job

Are you handicapped? Or why can’t you go work for $40 , sounds like a want more than a need . You gotta work for your wants needs are what this page is for bud.

Your young dude , I know guys restarting at 40 , my mother is almost 60 and has loads of credit debt and no retirement, and is on disability which pays nothing, I supplement her income . You’re situation could be a million times worse , you got this , you’re hopefully able bodied and healthy .

Time to be a glass half full from here on out and not let your past dictate your future. You 100% have what it takes .

That white insulation is gone and deteriorated in 1 year

New clutches and new manual tech is way better than old and more forgiving , ie stsrt/stop assist . Just don’t stall it 20 times after another and you’ll be fine