Bleacher Seat

IANAL: in a parallel universe, could she just have ruled that since he wasn't president when he committed the espionage in question, that presidential immunity cannot apply? I know this would never be allowed by her overlords, but like, would it be legal? Was that an option here, or do all paths lead through more briefs and hearings?

My mom has smoked since 13, outside of a hiatus for me and my brother's gestation, and if she thinks she's bringing cigs around my kid, she really does have lead poisoning...

You do you. Your parents had a shot, did (presumably) their best, but there's nothing that says their best should represent any kind of limitation on your potential.

Right there with you.

It's sad, for a long time I thought my mom pushed me as a young man because she wanted me to be happy and successful. Now that I'm an adult in a career she doesn't understand and couldn't ELI5, all I get is scorn and condescension about why I didn't pursue different/more education or go into the State Department after the military. I finally realized in my late thirties that my mom was just trying to get me to live out a fuckin Tom Clancy paperback so she could brag to her friends about me. Now that she has no idea what I do for a living (marketing demand generation), she can't brag to anyone because it reveals her ignorance of the world and her ignorance about things I find professionally interesting and rewarding.

It's a tough pill to swallow when you realize the mental picture your mom holds in her head about you is more about her ego and bragging rights than about your mental and emotional well-being.

Exactly this. Invite them over to perform a service at your request and reward them with baby-time. Doing otherwise opens the door for a while host of expectations you don't want to have to manage later.

This is a great point, most normative humans have roughly the same metabolic necessities, so everything above this baseline becomes a question of personal choices and comfort. Not to say we should all eat gruel, but when considering FIRE, the best and most substantive change to make is reducing costs. Increasing income is equally important, but deliberately and necessarily secondary...

There was a guy who did Twinkies for this. He measured Twinkies in a bomb-calorimeter and calculated a weight loss diet based on their nutritional content. Sounds like a really easy way to get goiter, but you do you šŸ˜‚

Yes this is true. If the bridge lifts due to tension adjust the claw. But when you adjust the claw, tuning goes sharp. But when you loosen the strings, bridge starts to float again....this is just kinda the way with a Floyd. If you set the block on the back to exactly set your bridge angle, then one trick is to leave it in while adjusting claw and tuning: when it barely slides out of position without any pressure on either side, you know your tension is now neutral. If the block is still held in place by claw tension, or the block is falling out because of string tension, keep working at it. Personally I use an old hotel room key to block my Floyd, but mostly set them up in "divebomb only" mode so I don't have to fix with this stuff...

Your issue here isn't financial, it's your mindset. Please look into perinatal counseling, and maybe meet with a financial planner to go through things with an unbiased set of eyes. You have enough, by far, to start a family, and I think most of your concerns are probably somewhat pathologically related to your own upbringing...

But, the personal privacy protections of the ninth amendment (and also the fourth) should keep the government entirely out of the conversation about women's healthcare. The idea that the government is entitled to standing regarding healthcare decisions between a woman and her doctor is a disgrace.

Play with the EQ! Gojira benefits muchly from being EQed to your playback device.

The only thing this tweet proves is that Donal Trump doesn't know what his people (i.e. current and former staffers) are up to. Probably because he gets 'handled' by his team as the doddering old pants-shitter that he is. If he was actually mentally aware of his surroundings, he'd realize this is a HUGE deal for the people working on his campaign.

You had an obvious eating disorder, that has nothing to do with my point. If you're deciding between eating fast food or waiting until you can find better food, just wait. There's almost nowhere on earth where you will find fast food but won't find better short term options in driving or walking distance.

I love Reddit. I post a basic fact to a comment, and someone inevitably comes along with the most outta left field hyperexagerated example where they needed hospitalization.

we need to build more insane asylums and work diligently to fill them...

"To pervert" might also mean to disrupt or distort, so maybe he's conveying a call to action for us to pervert the natural course of cancer, i.e. stop it from being cancer...?

You should check out the footage from January 6th, 2021 of you think Democrats are the ones who started this shit, my friend. MAGA announced their attentions when they built a gallows outside our Congress and started chanting, "Hang Mike Pence!"

I've had Taco Bell value meals that lasted me longer than the Confederacy!

(not really, but you said Bell and that made me think of the temporariness of eating Taco Bell)

Confirmed, Kiss is lame AF. Basically just wrestling music for Italians.

Agree here, I don't think a SLO will sound different enough to matter. It's a good price to add one to your boutique amp collection, but it's also pretty much redundant compared to the other amps you already have.