Not too far back, me and my friend noticed that you can't search up forests with [[farseek]], (we were under the influence) and so now it forever is in my head because it's green so you are "in the forest looking out"

Rule question for AOF Skirmish

I am making a AOF skirmish list with havoc dwarfs and I do not understand the wording behind the black heart ability "Black Heart: When this model and all friendly units that are within 12” at the beginning of the round take a wound, roll one die, and on a 6+ it is ignored. If the wound was from a spell, then it is ignored on a 4+ instead. This effect lasts until the end of the round." Is this just Regen within 12 but +6 for not magic and +4 for magic? What does the "at the beginning of the round" mean?

For chaos dwarfs, no one makes better stl files for them besides lost kingdom miniatures. Their detail is fantastic and fit the old school Mesopotamia feel of chorfs

Question about missing unit

Hello all! I love opr, getting a few close people around me who were new to wargaming into grimdark future firefight. They chose typically 40k armies, I did too but switched to the Saurian starhost out of love for the models. But I was wondering why the gator veteran is not a hero choice for the army in firefight? I can see why the frog mage isn't, being super powerful but the gator veteran does not seem to be that powerful in the grand scheme of things. Is it going to be added in 3rd edition? Could I just use the future rules in firefight? Thanks all!

Should synagogues and mosques pay taxes as well? Churches make up the vast majority I understand, but if we tax religious places we should tax them all

World of warships, it initially wanted to use the joystick however being that the game is using a "mouse" I changed it to the track pad and it's made the jame far more enjoyable

White scars with the spear and death guard

As much as it saddens my heart to see my favorite legion fall to my least favorite chaos god. I love the mini! The blending gradient of pink into white is beautiful! Well done all around on this spectacular piece!

If I had to guess the arbites would be to the enforcers like the redemptionists are to cawdore

I have a myr tribal commander deck with a custom commander and all the artifact lands, I'm so excited for that deck to finally be legal!

I really like the original mirrordin basics but I also like the revised or other white border old cards for my basics cause the white border makes those cards distinct when I thumb through my deck

I tend to use it to fix problems that my many many mods create or cheat a few items in for the sake of story

Where did you get those models/stls? They look fantastic!

The pre heresy colors look so good, much better then the post heresy ones

Hey guys, am I the only one who thinks Silco references Tahm kench in the opening monolog of the episode? Saying "it speaks to you in low tends beckoning you to let it in" (I am paraphrasing from what I remember)

Sabaton's heros album, it has such a kick to it, it's amazing, plus all the cool history tidbits that are apart of it

Killing a npc in Skyrim in whiterun to steal their full plate armor then dumping their body in the nearby Rivier naked

Back and forth from work constantly, the only friend from high school is to busy to do anything and my friends from college all live in other states with their own lives and never reach out to me, I get close to a relationship only for shit to hit the fan.