Do you have trim tabs on the boat

Your all good to keep using it. Just get it fixed at some stage. It’s an easy job for a good aluminium welder

How you going to wipe your ass

M is the year. You just have to look online for Yamaha year decoder

It’s the friction control. Tighten it up and the outboard won’t steer left or right

Looks like a buccaneer of some kind

To release the gear shift shaft? You need to take the side covers off and there should be an r clip on a shaft that is connected to gear linkage. Remove the r clip and slide the shaft along. That will move a pin that is holding the shift shaft. It’s a bitch to get back in if you don’t know what your doing

When you take the carb bowl off is there fuel in there. If there is then one of the jets or holes in the carb are blocked

Suzuki probably spends 100s of millions of dollars doing testing with oils to see what makes their engines work best. If they wanted you to use 0w they would tell you