It's a common one, but Ash is an anti-alien bigot who thinks humans are superior.

What? That's so stupid on so many levels. The basic idea is wrong. Most sci-fi is full of prejudice and bigotry. If you leave that shit out, you defeat the entire purpose of science fiction as a genre. Sure, it's not usually as black and white as in Star Trek, and they use stand-ins to represent contemporary prejudice. But like prejudices are still there.

I'm trying to think of a contemporary sci-fi novel or piece of fiction with out prejudices and I can't do it.

That's what the actual text of the game is saying though. The geth achieved sentience and were defending themselves in an instinctual way, and it was the quarians who chose to leave rather than live in peace with their creations.

Yeah, I wish people would keep their sexist "women are incapable of exercising agency" views out of Mass Effect.

:flag-pa: Pennsylvania

You should try to come back to objective reality. The Democratic Party is not trying to implement a fascist takeover of the US. If they were, they wouldn't have spent the last decade trying to stop it.

People have been talking about it since it was announced. People have been accusing the GOP of trying to conduct a fascist takeover since 2016 when Trump was elected and brought a bunch of white nationalists and other types of fascists into the White House. We just got ignored as being crazy.

The Democratic Party has spent years working on legislation to shore up our civil rights and to make government effective at working for the people. Unfortunately, the GOP is a bad faith party and simply obstructed the Democratic plans at every turn either outright preventing legislation from passing or forcing a compromise that got treated as a "failure" by outlets like CNN or the NY Times.

By the way, you're likely falling for a foreign influence operation. They spend a lot of time and money trying to convince Americans that voting is pointless, because low turnout in federal elections helps the Republicans. And the global far right really wants Trump in office.

Or building on your idea, "Gul" could describe an officer with an independent command, with a large amount of authority and agency in how they carry out their orders.

But I haven't watched DS9, so that could not fit with what we see.

Mandatory 12" curbs

Even middle class people are suffering from wealth inequality and from the crisis of hope. That's why far-right radicalization is such a problem.

The New York Times printed an op-ed yesterday telling people not to vote. They've been carrying out a vendetta against the Biden administration because Biden wasn't bowing down to them with the deference they expected. They're no longer a "legitimate" new org.

The other outlets are basically just repeating vague allegations from sources with low-level attributions and little new information. One person telling a dozen outlets the same tidbit doesn't mean there are a dozen allegations. It's just one allegation printed a dozen times.

There's been a serious problem with news outlets acting like every source is acting in good faith and justifying it because it's good for ratings/clicks.

Bezos doesn't have to do much. Editors and writers are just chasing views, and those come from stories that make Democrats feel afraid and Republicans feel vindicated.

There are legitimate issues about Biden’s cognitive abilities now.

No, there aren't. Unless you believe Fox News and the Trump Campaign's years of lies.

These concerns are widespread

No, they're really not. Only among the very online and very checked-in. There was no change in the overall polling trends. Right now we're just seeing the tail trying to wag the dog and it ain't working.

It's not even that complicated. News outlets are constantly chasing attention. Reporters and editors aren't necessarily reviewed on the importance of the stories that they write, but on the amount of attention their stories bring in. Because attention is how they bring in revenue. Shitting in Biden is really good for getting attention, Democratic leaning people are addicted to doom and gloom while the fascists love to read about how awful the Democrats are.

Mandatory 12" curbs

And light travels faster than sound. If you've ever been to a stadium show and been in the cheap seats you'd swear everybody was lip syncing watching the video monitors.

Mandatory 12" curbs

Out in the suburbs a neighbor of mine has a "proud patriotic Democrat" yard sign and it brings me joy every time I see it. Can't give up our nation to the fascists.


Not really. The kind the Beaches have are for retirees looking to create their own little colony set apart from the local community. They're not there to join the neighborhood.

:flag-pa: Pennsylvania

Polls are basically showing the same as before the debate. Statistically tied.

Biden's approval rating is also pretty much the same. Which is heavily influenced by negative coverage from national outlets.

:flag-pa: Pennsylvania

People are falling for foreign influence operations so fast right now. It feels worse than 2016 to be honest.

:flag-pa: Pennsylvania

Nah, most of them firmly support Project 2025 and the overthrow of democracy.

At the least, most of them don't have a problem with those things so long as they end up in power.


There's a difference between increasing permanent residences and adding a transient population that doesn't contribute to or respect the community.

Tourist taxes are heavily restricted in their use and tourism jobs are low paying.

:flag-pa: Pennsylvania

Both are subject to oversight by the publisher and editor-in-chief. Who can heavily influence coverage to go the way they want it.

:flag-pa: Pennsylvania

It's also been "Biden failed at …" rather than "Republicans blocked Biden …"

:flag-pa: Pennsylvania

The incumbent advantage is massive. Giving that up would be incredibly stupid.

:flag-pa: Pennsylvania

No, but they're willing to trust sources who may have not be acting in good faith. They're also willing to push a story that keeps getting attention whether or not it's entirely accurate.

:flag-pa: Pennsylvania

The New York Times has a vendetta against Biden because he won't treat them with the traditional deference they expect.

They've spent his entire administration attacking him and undermining his efforts. This is nothing new.