That's when you just let it take you along with the house. Problem solved!

I have Citizens too (aluminum wiring), and in essence they are just there to keep the bank from foreclosure on you. That's about it. And make sure you get flood insurance if you are on Citizens. Flood zone or not, every citizens customer will have to have it by July I think?

No one else asked so i will. Twice. What the Fuck?!? Fool me once and all that....

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I would have been perfectly fine with Shuli asking if he just manned up and did it. The mention of ass kissing had to be a giant turnoff to DAG. That, and he was probably asking himself "what the fuck is a Shuli?"

Hell, I have been binging these moron sovereign citizens who get their windows busted out. That keeps me entertained through the monotony of certain projects.

120 isn't what it was pre-Covid. An article just came out showing that the cost of "The American Dream" has 1.5X in the last 4 years. With the trye inflation metrics (not the books the politicians cook), someone making $100,000 in 2019 needs to be making about $150,000 for the same lifestyle. Not an improved lifestyle, THE SAME lifestyle.

The more engineers keep settling for less, thus problem will get worse. Talk to anyone who has done hiring in the past. Management is counting on your comfort. And they will exploit it to the fullest. That's why you have to job hop to get a great increase. They'd rather let 2 good engineers walk and continue to underpay the other 8 that are too scared and comfortable to make a move. Guess where that increased revenue from all the inflation is going to? Not to you.

It's not the end of the world if he's got a good principal to lean on.

I'm an EE too and the one thing I still do in CAD on most projects are risers or single lines. When you've got a library of 100s of Risers that mostly just need text updates and blocks moved, it's just a no brainer time/fee saver for me.

Sometimes you have to draw in extra areas on a site plan for sure suppression too-the architect doesn't know or care where the hydrants are located.

Nah I like punting on 4th and 1 when I'm losing with only a minute to play.

I received both the email and my crypto as well. No tickets ever submitted, just the email letting g me know I couldn't use PayPal AFTER they sent me codes.

Literally my first thought oddly enough.

Apparently celsius doesn't understand that people may have moved in the last 2 years, fuckin morons

Shortly as in “hey five years is short compared to a century.”

This. The Josh Allen signing is a shift in cultural mindset as much as it’s just about keeping a good player.

To each his own, but I would never have a full time WFH job if I was single. Hybrid, sure. But it’s a recipe for disaster and ends up taking a toll on your health. Humans evolved to have face to face interaction daily, no matter how much we all (me included) have tried to argue otherwise. So skipping a day or two here and there is manageable. But if you’re going 4 or 5 days at a time without interacting with a person irl it’s unhealthy just like junk food or cigarettes, and needs to be seen that way.

And just like plenty of people smoke or eat junk food, that’s fine. I’m just simply saying enough people don’t understand the dangers of isolation or how quickly it occurs vs the dangers of smoking, for instance.

That’s why you purchase with Amex or Chase, they will fight Jabra warranty for you. And they usually add an additional year warranty as well.

As a Jaguars fan, this news made me very happy. Dude is gonna be hard to replace. At the same time-you got a rookie QB and new GM. Now is usually the time to pull the trigger.

Nowadays you can get a 100 pack of AAs for 25 bucks. And rechargeable batteries die way too frequently.

Firing Baalke is de facto firing Doug too (after next season though). When is the last time a new GM was hired and kept a head coach for more than one season? They always have to hire “their guy”.