No one else going to mention how worn out that thing looks…either that thing has been bouncing around without you hearing it in the spare area or that thing deserves a proper burial for a life of giving…

Long term methadone kills testosterone, I am one of them as well. I just got on testosterone therapy and it’s helping but it’s not an overnight kind of change. Go to your doctor and ask to have your levels checked. After learning about it (not from my clinic) you can almost pick out the male users who have been on for long term. Breast enlargement, weight gain mostly in the belly, loss of muscle mass, etc.

It’s ridiculous that over the years after all the doctor appointments the clinic makes you go to I’ve never been told about the testosterone issue. When I brought it up the doctor agreed and told me to see my primary care and went into what it causes. Although won’t say shit unless you bring it up to them.

I sincerely hope the person(s) involved are alright and can continue a normal life…

I’m not a full fledge believer, although I remember watching a show on the history channel about Nostradamus like a decade ago. More or less they explained the 3rd and final anti-Christ and it more or less describes trump and his following. It is definitely a little worrying for me.

There maybe some free resources online for people to talk to as well. Not sure how they work but maybe take a look online.

This and demand a reduction of rent.

I have a feeling it has something to do with outsourcing to India where someone with a made up degree and some prior experience was doing a lot of the heavy lifting.

The last little nugget of information is just amazing…the guy talked about in the article also has an open case for soliciting a minor…innocent until proven guilty but the projection is so strong in MAGA.

I triple bag my stuff when I fly, I’ve flown at least 50 times with take homes including multiple international trips. Personally I don’t put it in a lockbox because I feel that draws more attention to it. I triple bag it and put it in a makeup style bag with my other prescription meds. I also just leave the makeup bag in my backpack going through security as well. I have not once been stopped because of it. Been stopped for my vape device and they had to pull that out…

Side note: if flying with a vape always remove the battery and put the part that has the liquid in, In a zip lock with paper towel wrapped around it. My bottles of dne never leaked but vape stuff leaks like crazy.

Good luck!

Edit: as others have said carry on ALWAYS carry on.

15k in 2022 dollars for 4 mb ram and 33 mhz processing power…how we have advanced.

That’s why my clinic makes us salute and yell “heil mein fuhrer!” Before dosing…wait nevermind that’s just how our director likes to be addressed as… /s

I just built a cage on a Friday since that’s what he said just sat in it drinking pre-trans promoted bud-light (this vintage is hard to find). I didn’t become a zombie so I must have did it right.

Why would they do that, that’s what the toddler is for…can always make another one of them, but only one of OP. /s

If your clinic is doing this krap please look up your methadone authority contact and make a complaint. Also being by making a formal complaint this is absolutely not the way doctors are trained on how to treat addiction. This is sadistic, next level up would be making a SAMHSA complaint.

Alright cool, you going to feel same way when you have a family member go to the ER in extreme pain say from an appendix rupture and you see the nurse divert the pain meds. “Not my business” I can promise you if the nurse does not get reported eventually it would lead to getting the meds no matter the price.

This shit happens, just because you never seen it or dealt with it doesn’t mean it can’t happen. There are small groups of clinics that are owned by doctors who only care about money. They run their clinics at barebones staff and the staff they do have are paid so little they don’t give two shits about patients. I would not be surprised at something like this happening at my clinic. There have been numerous fights, dealing, ODs in and around my clinic but they will never hire a security guard much less a front desk person. We don’t even have a special window or person to take urine. The dosing nurses have to sign you in, take payment, do the urine, as well as dose you.

It won’t literally kill you unless your on a higher dose than needed (nodding out all day long) or you drink a ridiculous amount of alcohol. My clinic went from not caring much or even testing for alcohol to now being zero tolerance. I got in multiple debates about this subject. Being on a stable dose and having 1-3 beers after work, or a glass of wine with dinner is not going to kill you. So to treat it the same way they treat benzos is pretty ridiculous in my mind.

Read up on your state regulations for out patient medicated treatment or similar. Only time I had any luck with fighting stuff like this was letting them hang them selves with the regulations and legislation that they weren’t following back and bring all those things up in a formal complaint or to the methadone authority. Also your state methadone authority can be a huge help. Although always first step is making a formal complaint at the clinic and than making sure they follow the proper procedure for how to handle a complaint. Most state regulations have that they have to respond in x number of days and if you don’t agree with the outcome can appeal and what not. 90% of the time the clinics are not following regulations and can get in a lot of trouble. Although one thing I will say is never ever get heated or act like you know more than them. Be civil bringing up things and just get them to put stuff in writing or in your file. Just my two cents, one clinic I was at they tried kicking me out for some ridiculous reasons and after 2 weeks of formal complaint, appeal, and contacting the state authority everything was reversed and the director had to call me to apologize for the “misunderstanding”.

My clinic is similar, I have had 3-4 beers on a Friday and was fine on Monday when I used to dose Mondays. Back than I even would have 3-4 beers Monday-Friday and still came back fine on Monday mornings. Although I was definitely pushing the limits but would always have some backup urine and than would give my self a dip EtG Sunday nights but also would drink at least 40-50 oz of water a day as well just to stay hydrated. Eventually just wasn’t worth the hassle for a few beers after work so moved on from that. Although I feel okay going out with a friend here and there as long as I am not due for a call back soon and it’s Monday-Thursday. You will be perfectly fine.

Anyone else notice their is like 3” of space on the bottom of the front door? Like holy krap, let the critters in, this house is going to have a cult of mice & possibly even larger animals in the walls.

Please look up your state methadone authority (if in the US, although this shit only happens here). Call them and leave a message, also make a complaint that they are violating your rights. Last thing setup an appointment to speak to the doctor. They are the ones who sign the papers and are the gatekeeper.

Nice job! To make it on 1mg for an entire month is a milestone in self control in itself. I’m going to start my tapering again soon, although I have a long way to go. Highest dose was 240 because I had a horrible doctor. I currently am down to 150. So I got myself a long road ahead but man do I want off.

It’s a bed pan cleaner

Sounds more like your mom likely knows they are all family and just doesn’t want to rip off that bandaid until the right time…I say you start pressuring your mom to give you more info on E because your super into him and want to date. Her reaction will tell you all you need to know.